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Vuelta del Cañon - Bajos Del Toro

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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · Feb 2, 2017

Bajos del Toro always knocks our socks off…in this occasion que went on an amazing walk that started in a pasture full of blue minks and continue through the canyon of a river with the blue tone characteristic of the region.

How to get there

In a SUV, set Waze to Bajos del Toro town. 

Car: It is better going by Vara Blanca and after arriving, set waze to Bajos del Toro. 

Using Waze

What to take

Comfortable clothing, trail tennis shoes, waterproof jacket, dry bag, snacks and hydrating beverages, towel, swimsuit. 

Distance: 8,70 miles (14km)

Difficulty: Strenous

Vehicle: Car

Parking: Yes

Pets: Yes, but it is not recommended for its difficulty, most of the trail goes by the river.

Camping: No

Contact Details: AventuraXtrema ToroAmarillo Carlos Venegas: 

Cellphone 8371-2530

Cost: ¢6000 per person (by car to Bajos del Toro)

¢14500 per person (by bus from San José)

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To arrive early and on time, we departed from San Jose around 5.30am. We had breakfast at a little restaurant in town and joined a big group guided by Aventura Extrema Toro Amarillo.

The first 0,43miles (700m) are a gravel road. Then, you start on a trail surrounded by pastures full of blue minks. The trails continues for more than a mile (2km) until you see the river, from here on the trail is more exciting and muddy.

It is necessary to go with a guide because the path goes along the river. There are many intersections that may take you to a wrong path. We were suggested to use trekking poles. Many people were using them, but we are those that prefer not using poles to improve our balance and landing (in case we fall). 

While we moved in that hostile territory, we noticed that we were entering into a river canyon, giving the name to this tour…at the same time this meant that at some point the path was going to disappear and the last mile (2km) was by the river. The track turned slippery and it is really necessary to walk focused; any wrong move can cause a sprained ankle or something worse. 

Something remarkable is that stepping stones to prevent getting wet is not worthy since at the end of the track, you need to immerse –Karlita had to immerse up to her neck. After this deep part, you had almost arrived. Then, we felt the classic waterfall mist and abracadabra! the waterfall appeared.

Anonos waterfall is divided in 2 drops (one bigger than the other) and it is surrounded with rocks that look like a wet super green wall. 

We obviously took all our things off and jump to the water. Water was very cold, so we made our best effort to smile and got out to dry off. We took a bit of sun to stop trembling while we were making tuna sandwiches and ChocoFrutas for dessert. And we bounced back.

We are used to raining in this area, but rarely, we enjoyed a great weather all day and the return was truly spectacular. 

Vuelta cañón is a truly paradisiacal adventure. Each step is worth it since you feel alive in this cool place that never stops amazing us!

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