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Volcán Barva

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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · Sep 11, 2015

This weekend we present to you the largest volcano in Central America (in volume), just 35 km from San José, trails with dense vegetation, where we assure you will enjoy a good day of hiking.

How to get there? From Barva de Heredia drive a bit until you reach the entrance. With Waze

Cost: ¢ 1000 per person Pets: Not allowed due to national park regulations ☹ Vehicle: Any type of vehicle, preferable high car ... but we saw automobiles parked.

What to bring? Hiking shorts or comfortable leggings (cold weather), comfortable tennis shoes and a waterproof jacket.

Food? Snacks for the road, chocolate or hot water and beverages.

Distance: (varies depending on the path)

• Cacho de Venado: 1,890 m, it is traveled in 1 hour and 40 minutes, round trip. For guided walks and bird watching. • Vara Blanca viewpoint: 900 m from the main trail, it is traveled in 50 minutes. Scenic view. • Laguna Volcano Crater: 3 km (2 hours round trip). You can see the lagoon of Barva. • Laguna Copey: 5 km (3 hours round trip). This is a recommended trail for experts in hiking and heavy walking. Takes you to the Copey lagoon.

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To get here we drove towards Barva de Heredia, passing by a delicious homemade ice cream spot (300 m north of the park), we continued to the next intersection on the right to then went up, up and further up to reach a ballast street that ends in the entrance of the national park.

Once we parked in a nearby meadow, we went through a stand that is right at the entrance, we filled the Klean Kanteen with hot chocolate and then went to pay the entrance to the park where the park ranger gave us a brief explanation of the trails .

We started the route and after a kilometer, we turned left to the Vara Blanca viewpoint, on the way we found some blackberries mixed with the vegetation and at times it seemed like we were walking through a tunnel of trees, we arrived at the deck of the viewpoint where the sight was covered by fog. Then we returned to the main road to continue to Laguna Barva, which is the main and largest spot of the park.

When we were halfway to the lagoon, it started to pour but oh well... we put on our waterproof jackets until we arrived freezing to death at the deck of the main lagoon. Luckily we bought the hot chocolate at the entrance of the park, so this helped us warm up our hands a little while we waited for the rain to pass. The cold made us anxious to return, so we started heading down without thinking twice.

When we were halfway down the road, we parted ways, Glori and I started running downhill and leading the way, we turned left along the Cacho de Venado trail, which is cooler and leads you to the main road. which leads to the entrance of the park. When we reached the entrance we met again with Tavo and Tania, not even a drop of water fell and luckily for those who were arriving at the park, the sky was completely clear, we made our way to the car and headed back to the Central Valley.

Overall we traveled 11.2 km in just over two hours, the route seems to me to be a combination of easy and moderate because of the height (2700msnm), with the advantage that there are no steep slopes and the trail is in good condition even when it rains. It is an ideal place to do hiking near San José, either to train for trail running or simply to get out of the routine, it is a very neat place.

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