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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · Jan 7, 2023

Puriscal is a town that makes you fall in love and this time we went to Tabarcia de Mora to a farm with an impressive view of the Acosta mountains and the Pacific coast. It is also perfect for camping or going on a picnic.

How to get there? Arrive at Tabarcia de Mora, continue to Piedras Blancas and pass in the direction of Bajo Loaiza, more or less half way you will see this sign on the edge of the street. There you enter the dirt road and at the intersection take to the left there is a gate and you can see the big ranch.


Distance: 1 km total

Difficulty: easy

Accessibility: Not accessible

What to bring?  Comfortable clothes for walking, trail tennis shoes or hiking boots, sun protection, insect repellent, sun protection, snacks, water, change of clothes and an excellent attitude.

Vehicle: Automobile

Parking: Yes

Pets: Yes

Campsite: yes

Hours: Every day

Contact: 85889122

Cost: ¢4000 per person for camping ¢3000 per person the day

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They told us about a farm in Tabarcia de Mora so we went to see it. The scenery on that area is always super nice and you can enjoy the views a lot. After an hour and a bit we arrived at Unkai. The farm is a property with a spectacular view that is divided into 2 living areas with 2 ranches. One large with a small green area and the other small but with the most beautiful green area and the best view.

The place is perfect for camping but we planned for a picnic and had a good time. To go from one area to the other, you have to cross a small but tremendous suspension bridge that gives a few seconds of excitement to the walk. 

They told us that there was a hike of about 2 km to a river and we tried to do it but it turned out that just a few days before part of the path had collapsed. So we only had the other plan left, throw a blanket and take out the food.

We went to the widest green zone and the view is very very beautiful. There is also a swing in a tree that made us play like when we were kids.

We ate, we talked a lot and after having a good time it was time to turn back. An important fact is that there is a swimming pool in the place if you want to be prepared.

This beautiful place is for those who like camping or picnics and having a great time. 

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