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Sámara - Guanacaste

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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · Sep 23, 2018

We went to Sámara Guanacaste, we had the most lovely time and also went kayaking to the mystical Chora island ... So what are you waiting for to get to know this place?

How to get there? Go towards Nicoya and from there continue a little more than 1 hour until arriving at Sámara.

Waze Kayaks Hotel:

Distance:Whatever you want Difficulty:Easy Accessibility:If accessible

What to bring? Fresh clothes, clothes with sun protection factor, swimsuit, towel, sunglasses, sunscreen, insect repellent, sandals, and an excellent attitude.

Vehicle:Automobile Parking:Yes Pets:Yes on the beach Camping:No

Contact: Las Perlitas Kayak tel. 8885 3416

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We arrived on Saturday afternoon at Hotel Las Perlitas where we stayed in Sámara. This is located about 5 minutes by car from the town’s downtown area, it is a quiet place and perfect for resting. We were greeted by the owner of the place with her son, they made us feel at home. After "receiving" our room we lowered the suitcases from the car, settled in and then we were blown away by the sunset at the beach.

We saw the sunset at the last entrance to the beach, we parked the car and although it was super cloudy we enjoyed a bunch the clouds and light reflections until it was completely dark. In the evening we went to dine at the center of Samara, there are a bunch of pizza and Mexican restaurants to choose from.

On Sunday morning we woke up early and had an epic breakfast at Hotel Las Perlitas to get the strength to do a kayak tour to Chora island. We arranged to meet in front of the beach with Sámara Sea Tours folks to do this tour.

Once on the beach, we got all covered with sunblock and got in the water, before this we were taught about the directions to start rowing. The paddling is super relaxed, there are no big waves and it's about 10 minutes to get to the first stop that is on the reefs that are in front of the beach, we parked the kayaks and put on our snorkeling masks to discover a bit of the secret that this place has hidden.

After seeing the beauty under the water, we continued kayaking to Chora island, which was about 15 minutes more of paddling. The arrival to the island is the most exciting part since it has its technique and we have to row without stopping perpendicular to the waves to avoid overturning (of course we went with a guide that gave us the technique not to fail).

On the island, we saw a beach of white sand, almost pinkish, beautiful. Also to the side, there are some stones where you can go walk to explore, at the highest part there is a mountain that can not be climbed since there is no trail leading there.

Then, after walking, taking pictures and enjoying ourselves, the guide prepared a fruit and water picnic (well deserved) to get energy for the return. On the way back we went straight to the beach without stopping and arrived safely on the mainland.

We also went to the downtown beach, it's pretty clean and nice ... once here we walked, vegetated in the sand and ate Churchill and pipe water. Then we went to lunch in the center of Sámara. We also toured its streets soaking up the energy of the town.

This place is very quiet, it is definitely a good place to chill, and appreciate all the beauty it offers.

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