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Ruta Pacífico Verde

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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · Jul 24, 2021

We invented a route called Pacific Green that has it all ... from giant waterfalls with beautiful pools to paradisiacal beaches... the perfect plan for a complete weekend connected with nature.

How to get there?

Take the 27 until you pass the last toll, from here you have to take the South coastline until you reach one of the destinations, our Pacific Green route.


Manuel Antonio National Park:

Tulemar Bungalows & Villas:

Waterfall Nature Park:

Uvita Waterfall:

Marino Ballena National Park:

Aguas Azules Parasailing & Tours:

Agua Azul Restaurant:

Aracari Restaurant:


Manuel Antonio: up to 7km

Nauyaca: 2km total

Ballena Bay: 3km

Uvita Waterfall: 1km

Difficulty: Easy

Accessibility: Not accessible

What to bring? Swimsuit, beverages, sunscreen, repellent, towel, sandals, trail tennis shoes, bottle of water and an attitude.

Vehicle: Automobile

Parking: Yes

Pets: No

Camping: No


Tulemar Manuel Antonio - tel: 4001-5878

Nauyaca: 8771-4222

Uvita Falls: 8683-8725

Lodgings in Uvita: 8988-6060

Blue Water Parasailing: 8366-0227

Blue Water Coffee: 2777-5280

Aracari Restaurant: 8318-8598

Cost: National Parks 1,000 per person

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Day 1 - Manuel Antonio

We started our day super early taking the route to the South Pacific, on the way we stopped at the Tárcoles river bridge to watch the crocodiles. We continued our journey to the Manuel Antonio National Park, we parked in a parking lot that is about 200m before the entrance of the Park (tickets are bought online). After preparing the things that we were going to take we entered and decided to make the path longer than get to the viewpoint from where you can see a large part of the National Park. You can not take food in, but you can bring a bottle of water (very necessary).

The first trail is too nice, since everything is elevated tucked into the jungle, it is also under the shade and reaches an intersection where you can go to the main beach of Manuel Antonio or follow the path that leads to the viewpoint, at this point there is a soda where they sell all types of food (which makes sense since they don't allow food to be brought in).

We continued walking along the long path of the viewpoint which had many steps and in this heat we were sweating to the last drop in a deadly climb until we reached the end. We lasted 1 hour from the viewpoint. It has a pretty cool view but not it´s not wow either, this because the forest is quite dense and you can't see too much ... Even so, for those who like to walk it is perfect.

Then we went back along the path passing another little beach called Playa Gemelas, and then we continued for 40 more minutes until we reached Playa Espadilla where we stayed for a long time. The water is totally crystal clear, the sand white and good shade under the almond trees to take a nap.

After the National Park we continued our second activity on the beach which was parasailing. Here we met our friends from Aguas Azules Parasailing. They rent the equipment and do this tour which is a parachute tied to a boat that takes you for about 15 minutes to circle out to sea. The experience was a blast and the view from above is incredible so it is highly recommended to do this if you are in the area.

Since it was already 3pm and we were hungry, we went to eat at the Agua Azul cafe, which has one of the best views in all of Manuel Antonio and also the food is yummy.

By the end of the afternoon we went to our accommodation at Tulemar Resort, which has rooms in the middle of the forest with an impressive ocean view. We left things behind and quickly went down to the private beach of Tulemar to enjoy the sunset that was simply spectacular.

For dinner we went to Quepos for dinner at the Marina Pez Vela, where we decided on Runaway Grill that has everything and everything is delicious.

Day 2 - Nauyaca

We got up early to have breakfast at the restaurant of the Tulemar Resort and then continued our Pacífico Verde route towards Nauyaca. We lasted just under 2 hours to the entrance of Nauyaca Waterfall Nature Park located in the Tombs of Barú.

The place where you arrive has parking, soda, showers, toilets and a view of the epic mountain. They have different rates that include or do not include transportation, and if you want to purchase food.

This entrance is different from the one that most people use, and it has its advantages since from where the car leaves us, you only have to walk 10 minutes along a path that is super well labeled and beautiful in the shade until you reach the top of Nauyaca!

This waterfall is impressive not only for its size, but also for its jungle setting and giant stones. To get to the giant waterfalls, you go through a type of open cave and then if you want, you can go into the water that is super refreshing.

Then we continued to the lower part of the waterfall and possibly the most popular for its large pool. Here there is enough space to rest on the stones and admire the beauty of the place. It was a good time to get in the water, enjoy and eat some snacks to gain strength and go back to the place where the transport from Nauyaca Waterfall Nature Park picked us up. At this place there are bathrooms, showers and hammocks, perfect to cool off from the exercise.

When we got to the top we were greeted with a delicious chicken and rice lunch, then we changed and continued to our accommodation in Uvita.

To stay there are many options, but we spoke with our friend Andrés from Costa Rica Vacation Rentals who sent us to stay in a house at the top of the mountain of Uvita, equipped with 3 rooms, swimming pool and a balcony with the best view from Bahía Ballena.

After settling in and resting all afternoon we went to dinner at a place that was recommended to us a long time ago. It is the Aracari restaurant that is located inside the Los Cusingos hotel… and man was it delicious. Absolutely everything was delicious, and the portions are gigantic (sandwiches can easily be shared between two people).

To finish, we went to the supermarket to buy something for breakfast at home and we went to rest.

Day 3 - Marino Ballena National Park

We got up at 6am to get ready, have breakfast and enter the national park first. When we arrived there were not many people so we took the opportunity to walk towards the famous whale's tail.

For this hike it is good to calculate the low tide, so we waited for a bit in the shade until it was a good time to walk towards the rock formation out to sea. This beach is gigantic and when the tide is going down you can see the water part like a mirror, so take advantage of this for photos or whatever you want.

The tail of the whale is epic, you walk along a sandbar out to sea and then you reach a part of the stones that rises even more, so it is recommended to walk in sandals or flip-flops (do not go barefoot). After mid-morning we continued our Pacific Green route to go to a waterfall.

Our last stop on the route was the Uvita waterfall which is 5 minutes from the center of Uvita and is very cool. It has good parking, and we recommend the fruit smoothies here… they are delicious and refreshing.

After the smoothie we walked along the path that is accessible to the first pool we visited, emerald water and a unique natural beauty.

  • DATE OF HIKE: June 2021
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