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Roca Bruja & Playa Huevo

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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · Feb 18, 2021

There is no doubt that Guana's ultimate star is in Santa Rosa National Park. In Playa Naranjo, this giant has managed to hypnotize locals, foreigners, surfers, and adventurers over the years.

How to get there? with Waze

Vehicle:Automobile. Time: All day. Pets: No Cost: $300 (maximum 6 people)

Includes:Walk to Peña Bruja, coastline tour for beaches of crystal clear water and white sand for snorkeling (equipment included), and barbecue on the beach. You can also arrange to go see the sunset, for up to 6 people.

CONTACT:8835-1098 Mario

What to bring? Bathing suit/trunks, clothes with solar protection, sunblock, repellent, sunglasses, towel, beach towel, sandals, things to snack on and to drink.

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The trip started the weekend of Black Friday, instead of going to the shopping malls, we went straight to Playas del Coco to spend the night and rest to get up early the next day.

On Saturday we woke up rested from the drive, had breakfast, put our stuff in bags and went with Mario to the beach where we had a boat to go for a walk.

We set sail north, specifically towards Playa Naranjo, since we started the tour along the coast we started to see the attractions of the area, we crossed the Gulf of Papagayo and we passed by crystalline water beaches such as Zapotillal, Cabuyal, and Carbonate.

Halfway we stopped next to an island to do some snorkeling, where we saw all kinds of fish among the reef, the calm water, and the sun facilitated the visibility under the water. After another boat ride we arrived at Playa Naranjo, this is where the Santa Rosa National Park begins, and it is where we saw the famous Rock that we so longed to see.

The original name is Peña Bruja (Rock Witch), only after the movie ‘Endless Summer’ in the '90s, where they did not find a translation for the word Peña ... they decided to name it Rock. The other curious fact about this place is why it is called a Witch, according to what Mario told us, it’s because before this rock used to have a piece of stone that would make a creepy whistle noise when the wind blew that could be heard kilometers away.

By the time we arrived there were no waves, which made it easier to get out of the boat. We went down to enjoy the place, explore the mouth of the mangrove and feel the energy that surrounds the place. After many photos we decided to walk to the camping area, this route is the most simple one, but has the problem that there is no shade, so it’s more than 2 km where the sunscreen and a good hat will be your best friends. When we reached the camping area we walked a little under the pleasant shade of the trees with the house of the park rangers in the background, we saw several giant iguanas and we went back to the beach where the boat was waiting for us.

Once all in, we went back to lunch to one of the many paradisiacal beaches. The chosen one after a good time of sailing was Playa Huevo, an incredible place embedded between several islands in a small bay of ridiculously transparent water. With many trees to choose the best shade. We went to get our stuff and hanged the ENO hammocks side by side to enjoy a siesta. While this was happening, our guide Mario started to prepare vegetable skewers, other shrimp skewers, and a giant snapper steak. I woke up to start the grill while the others were reviving their nap. Little by little, we ended up preparing our lunch together which was truly exquisite.

After lunch, we went to walk along the beach to get the digestion going, until Tavo and Glori saw a turtle in the water, which caused a group stampede to swim with it. In the end, the only Glori saw it and was lucky enough to take a legendary video of it swimming and away from us.

After this, we picked up our crap and went back to the El Coco. When we arrived at the beach we bought an amazing slushy made by such a cool dude named Henry, with pineapple and coconut on top, It was a glorious way to end our epic day in Guana.

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