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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · Aug 7, 2020

We went to Almonds & Corals in Manzanillo Limón, a place with a quiet atmosphere, plus we also discovered La Cueva de Manzanillo!

How to get there?

Take Route 32 until you reach Limón, from here you continue south until you reach Puerto Viejo, 20 minutes later you will find Manzanillo.


Distance: 4km

Difficulty: Easy

Accessibility: Yes

What to bring? Light clothes, bathing suit, towel, repellent, sunscreen, hat, bottle of water, tennis shoes, sandals and an excellent attitude.

Vehicle: Automobile

Parking: Yes

Pets: Yes

Camping: No

Contact: +506 6436 5454

[email protected]

Cost: Check rates

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It was a hassle to get out of San José traffic, but  we finally arrived at night to rest at the Hotel Almonds & Corals, in Manzanillo Limón.

As we arrived late at night, we had no idea where we were to sleep, to our surprise we were in a bungalow surrounded by a forest of large trees and the soft sound of the sea. We went for breakfast after 7am, a delicious pinto in the restaurant of the same hotel and then we got ready to go for a walk to Manzanillo.

We arrived in Manzanillo mid-morning, our initial idea was to get to Punta Mona (about 6 hours round trip) but at this time the trail was not opened. So we walked according to the recommendations of the girl at the entrance to "La Cueva" (it´s 10 min after the stone viewpoint), you have to walk to the next little beach and at the end there are some stones, if you step up carefully and look out there is a cave !

The cave was a blast, it was 10am and there was a heavenly ray of sunlight shining into the cave, we entered carefully and were in shock with the beauty of this place…. so don't hesitate to visit this spot.

Then we returned to the hotel to have a delicious rice & beans for lunch and  rested in front of the sea the rest of the afternoon until we got up to go for a tour of Puerto Viejo to eat a patí and then we returned to the hotel to have dinner and enjoy a bonfire in front of the beach.

The next day we got up early to see the sunrise at 5:15 am, although we were half asleep it was worth seeing the show...

**** BONUS ***** To end our walk we went to have lunch at Lidia’s Place, where you can find the best rice & beans in Limón (according to the survey we did)… a delightful place that cannot be missed.


  • DATE OF HIKE July 2020
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