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Refugio de Aves Alexander Skutch - Los Cusingos

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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · May 18, 2018

We went to see the Bird Refuge of Alexander Skutch at the Tropical Scientific Center. We found ourselves at this tremendous forest with dozens of wild bird species, incredibly enterprising people, humble and the type that do everything with passion.

How to get there? To get there we went from the South Interamerican route (by Cerro de la Muerte) until we reached Pérez Zeledón, from here we continued a bit more until we got into the entrance that goes to Curicancha

Waze: Alexander Skutch Biological Corridor: Nery's Trapiche:

Difficulty: Easy

Accessibility: Not accessible

What to bring? fresh clothes, trail tennis shoes or boots, a waterproof jacket, change of clothes, towel, swimsuit, hat, repellent, sunscreen, beverages, snacks, camera, binoculars, and an excellent attitude.

Vehicle: Automobile or pickup truck Parking: Yes Pets: No Camping: No

Contact: Alexander Skutch Biological Corridor Los Cusingos: 27382070 Food and Lodging at Sonia’s: 86363271 - 27381733 Trapiche Nery: 86575100 Cacao farm CAPICACOA: 83586775

Cost: Entry $ 3 Guided tour $ 10

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We left from Tavo’s house early and we ran met up with the rest at Chespiritos for breakfast as God intended ... then we continued through the Interamericana through Pérez Zeledón and after about half an hour we arrived at the Alexander Skutch Biological Corridor of the Tropical Science Center, where we waited a while for the Manager and then we went to lunch.

Lunch was in the house of an adorable lady Sonia, you should’ve seen the delight ... it is the greatest meal ever. After lunch we went to Capicacoa, this place is a farm that grows cocoa, pepper and is making some delicious handmade products. Then the gentleman took us to see the farm located up the mountain with a very spectacular view, and in the process to learn a bit of his project with which he seeks to make his way into the culinary market.

After that, we went to Nery’s farm, which has a sugar mill ... things got interesting here because they put us to work in the process of extracting the juice from the sugarcane and preparing the stove to heat the pan and make all their derivatives. Then imagine Tavo and Glori spinning the trapiche rushing to crush the cane and extract the juice of cane... Then in the fire the juice of cane bubbled to take out the sweet that is thrown into the wooden molds of who knows how many years ... to summarize it is a unique experience because the product that we normally buy is super processed and it’s not easy to imagine all the work that gets put into this/

Then at the farm, they showed us how to make ‘cajeta’ and even milk a cow ... to end the tour we went for a coffee with cheese pastry that was wicked good. After that, we went to rest for the next day.

The next day we returned to breakfast at Sonia’s ... and again surprised us with amazing food which gave us the strength to go to the Biological Corridor. We arrived at the Alexander Skutch biological corridor and they assigned us a guide to do the trek ... the place is named after this biologist, owner of the farm who dedicated himself to regenerating the forest and thus dedicates himself to the study and sighting of the birds.

We started the trail and a few meters from the start we passed by the museum house where the legendary biologist Alexander Skutch lived for many years ... We went on and as we walked, we started noticing more and more birds... it really is amazing what you can get to see if you walk with a well-experienced guide. The point of this place is not to walk long distances, but to go slowly appreciating details that normally go unnoticed.

After the walk that ended near a small river, we went up to the house-museum of Alexander Skutch, here you can see everything in its place, just as he lived for almost 100 years, this man who gave his life to the study and conservation of birds.

At around 11 am Sonia arrived but this time to give us some skewers with mixed fruits, a slice of delicious walnut bread and pineapple juice, then we headed for the river near the reserve called Peñas Blancas. At this place, a foreigner arranged the place with steps and tables to eat so that all the neighboring people could enjoy the river. The Peñas Blancas river was delicious and refreshing, it did not have a pool but there was plenty of space to bathe since almost no one arrives (that's nice too).

Once bathed we went back to Sonia’s to change clothes and eat delicious once again.


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