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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · Sep 19, 2018

On our fourth day of adventure, we went to Virgen de Sarapiquí to see Hacienda Pozo Azul, a place with many activities that allow for an awesome time, full of adrenaline and excitement, perfect to go with family or friends.

How to get there? Take Route 32 and before Guápiles turn right towards Sarapiquí. It is 70km north of San José


Hosting: Distance:total 500m Difficulty:Easy Accessibility:Accessible

What to bring? Fresh clothes, swimsuit, repellent, sunblock, hat, trail tennis shoes, sandals, towel, reusable water bottle, snacks, and an excellent attitude.

Vehicle:Automobile Parking:Yes Pets:No Camping:No Contact: tel: 2761-1616 / 8422-1772

Cost:Varies depending on the time.

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On our fourth day of travel we went to La virgen de Sarapiquí and we arrived to some giant tents, super equipped, in the middle of the forest, pretty chilly. That was going to be our lodging for one night, so we were very happy, we settled down and slept like babies to the sound of the water.

The next day after breakfast they started the day's activities. The first was a short but very nice walk to a suspension bridge, it is perfect for taking pictures of the river and the bridge. After this, we went to the organic farm. There are tons of fruit trees, so we got to taste exotic fruits, some were good at least for me, like a banana - apple mix, they also have a pretty garden with everything and more, you learn alot and Glori who is a lover of orchids was all hyped and finally there are farm animals (donkeys, sheep, mini pony, piglets etc), we wanted to take some back home with us. .

Our next activity was a horseback ride through the hacienda, so we got ready, put on sunscreen and went off. The ride lasted about an hour and a half and it was quite nice, it was very quiet because of ample space with good scenery so you can enjoy it a lot. The sun shines strong so we suffered a little bit but it’s all good, after a few photos and a little race back to the base, we were ready for the next activity.

At the base we changed again to go to the last activity we had planned, rafting. This always excites us a lot so we were already pumped. The rafting is done in the Sarapiquí River and here the rapids are level 3 - 2 so it is very calm, you get a chance to enjoy the landscape more and have a good time. The river is very clear, there are plenty of birds during the whole tour and it also has its intense parts to fill with adrenaline. After a while it began to get cloudy and then the inevitable, it started to downpour, but before we could jump from a wall of 3 meters to the river. The last 20 minutes were us rafting under the rain, it got a little cold, but we did it and enjoyed it until the end.

After an intense day full of activities, we had a delicious lunch right there in Pozo Azul and went to pick up our stuff to continue to our next destination.

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