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Poza Pénjamo - Ciudad Colón

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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · Mar 24, 2017

You guys have no idea the epic trip we did, we headed to a little well in Ciudad Colón, very nice and perfect to spend the day.

How to get there? Go down Route 27 and continue straight to Ciudad Colón, from there you will continue to the University for Peace ... After the first bridge go fast because as soon as the railing on the left finishes, they become the little paths that head down. With Waze

What to bring? swimsuit, towel, dry clothes, repellent, sunscreen, change of clothes, picnic food, plastic bag to pick up your trash and an excellent attitude.

Distance: 20 meters Difficulty: Easy Peasy Vehicle: Automobile Parking: At the border of the street (don’t leave anything of value inside the car) Pets: Yes Camping: Not recommended due to Waterhead risk. Cost: FREE!

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Last Saturday we did a morning trip to a pool that had been recommended to us in Ciudad Colón, on the way we went to the AmPm to buy everything to have a picnic in the river and we continued our way.

Arriving was super easy, we just parked at the border of the street after the bridge and we were already in the pond. Since it’s is so easy to reach that means it has some drawbacks ... many people may arrive on Sundays and with this comes the lack of education of some people littering in the area... ** So we please advise you to enjoy these paradisiacal free places and collaborate to leave them cleaner than you find them.

  • Tip: The early birds have an advantage here so arrive early so it is not too crowded and If you go on a Saturday it’s even better.

Then we went down to the river from a super inclined path that challenges the weak (like tavo and myself) and then we had to cross the river ... We did not see it so full of water so it was easy to cross from the stones without getting your shoes wet. After putting our things on the rocks, we decided to appreciate and explore the place while picking up some trash.

The water in the pool is delicious, it has a small drop of crystal clear water and some giant stones that lead the water to the pool. The river is protected by a forest, and if you are curious you can discover small trails that lead to the upper part of the waterfall.

After taking pictures, running around with the dogs and cleaning up... we went into the water to freshen up. The day was cloudy and cold, but this place with heat should be a tremendous oasis. After the splashing, we dried off ourselves to get together the legendary picnic: mangoes with lemon + salt + lizano sauce, chips, peeled oranges, a sandwich, and chocofrutas dessert ...

When we finished eating, we took some more photos and got ready to go back to civilization (which is really close).

After this mini-tour, we realized that there are still clean and beautiful rivers to splash around in San José but it's up to us to keep them that way. So we ask you to ALWAYS PICK UP GARBAGE, not only in this place but in all places ... there is no need for a garbage collection campaign to make a beach, a river, a mountain or even the sidewalk of the house cleaner.

*** BONUS !!! After asking on our Instagram page for recommendations of places to eat ... we decided to go to a soda on the left side (back to San José) called SABOR A PUEBLO... and it was incredible.


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