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Poza El Cañón Finca San Gerardo - Alajuela

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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · May 24, 2023

We went to see the river canyon of Finca San Gerardo after San Ramón, a super cute place, safe and perfect for hiking lovers.

How to get there? You have to take Route 1 and go through Grecia, Palmares and San Ramón. From the entrance of San Ramón, it’s 13.5 km to deviate to the right that says Finca San Gerardo.


Distance: 6km Total

Difficulty: Moderate

Accessibility: Not accessible

What to bring? Fresh clothes, trail tennis, waterproof jacket, repellent, sunblock, towel, snacks, beverages and an excellent attitude.

Vehicle: in winter 4 × 4 (consult before)

Parking: Yes

Pets: No

Camping: No

Contact: Rafael Pérez 8849-4370

[email protected]

Cost:₡ 4000

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We arrived at Finca San Gerardo at 8 am, where we met our friend Rafa, whom we have known for some time. After talking for a while about the route we had planned, we decided to go for a hike.

What’s nice about this place is that it’s like a network of 11 km trails for all difficulties, all surrounded by a forest which is part of a biological corridor in recovery thanks to their efforts. The planned route to reach the canyon was the shortest, in order to avoid the dreaded winter rain ... in total it was almost 2.5 km to reach the pool of the canyon. On the way there, we first passed pastures with some cows until we reached the forest path.

** You have to have a lot of water and sunscreen because the heat + humidity here is strong.

Once we were stuck in the forest we continued down through the jungle with the sound of the river in the background getting closer ... this made the walk more exciting until suddenly we came across the river with monstrous rocks.

We made a mini stop here, took a break and continued walking (we thought it was a long way to go). From where we paused we were not even 200 m away from reaching the pool of the river canyon, so even better.

Due to the rain on the previous day, the river was a chocolaty colour, but the place itself is perfect ... being between those stones of 10 meters with the shade of the trees above is something magical that can not be missed. (do not overthink it and get in the water)

After drying up, we decided to eat something and then started the hard climb back, which took us to exhaustion until we reached the house of the farm again.

  • Since we still wanted to walk more, we went to the other waterfall which we had visited before in this post-Finca San Gerardo.
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