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Ventanas Beach

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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · Sep 4, 2020

We went to the Art Villas, an unusual lodging, embedded in the mountains but at the same time close to the sea between Dominical and Uvita.

How to get there?

You take the South coastline highway, passing through Parrita, Quepos, Dominical and then you come to the entrance on the left that leads uphill along a gravel road to the Art Villas.

Waze: Art Villas:

Coco Tico Restaurant & Café:

Dominicalito Beach:

Ventanas Beach:

Distance: Any

Difficulty: Easy

Accessibility: Not accessible

What to bring? Light clothes, swimsuit, sunscreen, repellent, towel, sandals, tennis shows and an excellent attitude.

Vehicle: 4 × 4

Parking: Yes

Pets: No

Camping: No


[email protected]

tel. 8568-1058

Cost: Verify with contacts

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We arrived at night in Uvita de Puntarenas, when we got onto the gravel road we began to ascend for about 2 kilometers with quite steep sections until we reached the gate on the left where the Art Villas are. We met Jorge, the administrator, who was in charge of showing us the house where we would go to spend a couple of nights.

The first thing we found when opening the sliding door was a very cool pool next to an outdoor dining room, then it has a deck facing the view that connects the rest of the house. Something peculiar is that there are no walls, it only has sliding glass doors to visually separate the kitchen from the rooms.

The next day we woke up with the best view of the sea in front of us, also the sounds of nature were responsible for slowly waking us up. We get ready for breakfast at Los Cocos. Los Cocos are the glamping type camping tents that distinguish this place. We had a typical breakfast and then headed to the beach.

We drove to Dominicalito, this beach is about 15 minutes away. We found good shade and stayed for a couple of hours until it was time for lunch.

For lunch we decided to go to Coco Tico thanks to a recommendation from a  friend, this is arriving in Uvita ... We ate the best ceviche ever, delicious and fresh.

Then we went to Ventanas but it was already past 3pm and the vehicle restriction had begun so we returned to the villas to enjoy the place there.

The next day we got up early to arrive at around 7 am at Playa Ventanas and take advantage of what was left of low tide. While here, we went into the iconic caves that run through the mountain, the sound inside them is very crazy and it is only recommended to go at low tide. Then we vegetated, played Frisbee and hang out in the sun for a while until we had to go back to checkout.

  • DATE OF HIKE: August 2020
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