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Playa Rosada Nosara

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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · Jun 10, 2017

This was our second visit to Nosara where we discovered a Pink Beach and paddleboard in a mangrove swamp, and when you return to a place and discover new secrets the result is amazing.

How to get there? We went the fast and easy way with Nature Air ... you save 6 hours of travel each way... in the end we gained 12 hours to enjoy the place. The other way is by car, you go to Guanacaste by the Interamericana, then you have to turn off towards Nicoya by the Amistad bridge and cross the whole peninsula until you reach Nosara.

Waze The Nomadic Nosara: To go to Playa Rosada:

What to bring? Fresh beach clothes, flip flops, towel, sunscreen, repellent, change of clothes for every day and if you want to go out to dinner you can take something fancier.

Distance: 6 km total, 1 hour to go and 1 hour to return Difficulty: Medium Accessibility: The Only pink beach is not so accessible, lodging and paddleboard are with help. Vehicle: Automobile or Tuk Tuk Parking: Yes Pets: In Nomadic Nosara no .. on the beaches yes Camping: No Contacts: Nomadic Nosara: 2201 7342 Web: Experience Nosara Paddle Tours: 8705 2010 Web: Ulysses the driver Tuk-Tuk: 8364 4146 Cost: Varies depending on the season, better check prices directly.

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To get there we left on Friday, Glori left with Karlita early and in the afternoon for reasons of brevity I went with Tavo... The weather was not the best to fly because there was a storm in Nosara and we had to wait at the airport a bit, but then gave the nod from Nosara and off we went.

Nomadic Nosara We arrived in the evening and were transported in Tuk-Tuk taxis (they are very expensive and comfortable), we stayed at Nomadic Nosara which is a cool hotel, with a unique style ... it’s probably the coolest place that we have stayed in. After leaving the stuff in the awesome room, Tavo and I got ready and went to meet the girls who were dining in a mall made of containers.

Guiones beach and mountain/lookout towards Playa Pelada The next day, we had a delicious breakfast Nomadic, the weather was not very helpful but we still decided to go out to walk the beach of Guiones, there was a surf tournament so it was a little crowded. We walked towards the mountain that divides Guiones from Playa Pelada, It was about 15 minutes walk and I tell you that it's worth climbing there and seeing these 2 beaches from above.

After that, we went to have lunch place, and thus load batteries to go stand up on a paddleboard in the mangrove channels of Nosara. At the hotel, we were picked up by the Tuk-Tuk and we went to the meeting point in the mangrove swamp.

SUP Playa Pelada At the end of the paddle tour, they also offered us the option to do it in a kayak ... Glori and Karla sat down while Tavo and I stood, our super nice guide and connoisseur of the area gave us the corresponding safety instructions and into the water we went. The channels are very chill, full of crabs and birds typical of the area, it was also protected by a tremendous jungle and the good thing is that there were not so many bugs.

We arrived almost at the end of the canal and we got off to walk to Nosara beach, we stayed there talking for a while and then headed back the same way ...we had a match Tavo vs. Trejos ... Tavo won but because I let him. After we were tired of paddling, we arrived at the starting point and were greeted with coconut water ... just what you want after a tremendous exercise.

We went back to our Tuk-Tuks and back to the Nomadic ... To nap a little before we ate dinner.

Il Basilico:

For dinner, we were invited to the best restaurant in all Nosara called il Basilico by the owner himself (we met on the plane). The restaurant was almost full, apparently, it's always like that, and even our Tuk-Tuk drivers said it was the best. In addition, there was a live music of Balerom. The place really has a nice atmosphere, the food of the Gods, an affordable price and impeccable customer service ...

Pink Beach The next day we had a plan (it was really the reason for our trip) to go to Playa Rosada (pink beach), known by some locals and it has remained hidden for years. Until we went we realized that it was not a myth.

To get there, we took the Tuk-Tuks and went to the end of Playa Guiones (to the south) called Playa Bote and we started our expedition to this unique place. The important fact is that you can only arrive at low tide since you have to walk between stones that are in cliff parts. From the first 10 minutes of walking we realized that we were in a true paradise because there was not a single soul on the road, the water was beginning to look turquoise and in the distance, we detected the first little beach with a light pink color.

After about 20 minutes we passed some stones with a half-island of sand and we reached the first beach, the color of the sand was not really pink... but it was not white and had a pink shade ... Here we were for a bit and then we discovered that in the distance there was another beach that looked pinker, then we continued 30 minutes more walking to get to the other one.

The second beach was bigger and had pools among the super cool rocks, It was slightly more pink than the others, it had trees on the beach and the color of the water has nothing to envy to the paradisiacal islands of the Caribbean. Here we stayed for almost an hour enjoying the place and taking pictures until it was time to return because of the problems that the rise of the tide could bring.

On the way back we walked without stopping we lasted 45 minutes until the Tuk-Tuks came... we think that walking at a normal pace you might take about an hour.

This beach is amazing for many reasons, but the main one is because access can only be done by foot, this keeps it clean and almost virgin. The other is because of the color of its pink sand, this makes it unique in the country and worth the trip to discover it.

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