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Penca Beach

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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · Aug 29, 2020

We went to Playa Penca in Guanacaste, a beautiful place surrounded by endless spots and activities to enjoy on a paddle.

How to get there?

We took Route 1 towards Guanacaste until we reached Limonal where we turned left, passed through Nicoya, Santa Cruz and then we turned left in Belén de Santa Cruz. Then we got to Huacas, where we turned left at the intersection towards Brasilito and 20 minutes later we arrived at Casa Kayak in Potrero.


Penca Beach:

Kayak House:

SurfBox Lunch and Breakfast:

Las Catalinas viewpoint:

Playa Danta Parking:

Distance: Endless

Difficulty: Easy

Accessibility: Yes

What to bring? Fresh beach clothes, sandals, trail tennis shoes, cap / hat, repellent, sunscreen, towel, snacks, water bottles, mask and an excellent attitude.

Vehicle: Automobile

4 × 4 to go to the Catalinas viewpoint

Parking: Yes

Pets: Yes

Camping: No

Contact: Casa Kayak:

Surf Box:

Cost: Consult before

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We went to Guanacaste all weekend, we took advantage and left Friday afternoon to get to Casa Kayak in Potrero.

The next day we woke up at this house that is honestly super cool, up to 6 people fit and it has a very cool open area with BBQ and a pool ... We cooked our breakfast to finish getting ready to spend the morning at the beach.

The beach we visited was Playa Penca, this one has an entrance with enough parking spaces and it is also quite wide with shade everywhere, perfect for vegetating throughout the day. Another important point is that the waves are not very aggressive, so it is perfect for being with children, swimming or doing paddle boarding.

We stayed here all morning until we got hungry, then we jumped in the car to head to Surf Box… This is a delicious restaurant / cafe, famous for its breakfasts and food with fresh flavors.

After lunch we went to Casa Kayak to change into dry clothes and we went to see the sunset at the Mirador de Las Catalinas. The sunset was not that great because it was very cloudy, but it is still worth going as the viewpoint is amazing.

To finish our trip, we went home to prepare our dinner, some delicious GrillHaus hamburgers (all the ingredients come in a box) that we brought from San José, thus supporting beautiful and tasty recipes.

The next day, Glori and I got up early to take a walk along the congo trail (street that goes to El Coco) and then we turned off towards Zapotal beach along a very cool route to finish in Catalinas.

In Las Catalinas we met Tavo to walk up the trails that lead up the mountain until we reached some super cool viewpoints. In total we walked about 5 kilometers (round trip).

Finally, we went to Danta beach for a little while, we left the car in the public parking lot and walked about 200 meters until we reached the beach. We stayed for about half an hour to then checked out at Casa Kayak and returned to San José with charged batteries.

*** BONUS *** At the intersection of Huecas-Brasilito there is a food truck that says Vida Bowls… You can't imagine the delight of fruits and ice creams made from organic products with compostable containers!


  • WALK ÓF HIKE: August 2020
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