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Parque Recreativo Universidad para la Paz - El Rodeo, Cantón de Mora

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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · Sep 8, 2017

Nothing like celebrating international kid’s day with a hike, Que Buen Lugar style. That's why we chose a place nearby, really nice, safe, cheap and with green areas for the whole family ... it is the University de la Paz in Ciudad Colón..

How to get there? Take route 27 towards Ciudad Colón and then continue towards the Rodeo until the end of the street.


Distance: 3km Difficulty: Easy Accessibility: Medium

What to bring? Fresh clothes, insect repellent, sunscreen, hat, trail tennis shoes, picnic items, and an excellent attitude.

Vehicle: Automobile Parking: on the curb (there is a man supervising the vehicles) Pets: Yes (with a leash) Camping: No Contact: Tel: 2249-4157 Tuesday-Sunday (including holidays). 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Cost: ¢ 1000

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This trip was a little different because we went with the family to enjoy the day, almost all of my nephews were there, Glori’s parents, Tavo, and my brother-in-law. This place is great for picnics and to have fun outdoors and very close to the city. On the way there we went to buy snacks from a mini super and continued our way to Ciudad Colón.

When we arrived we parked in front and looked for a ranch to get settled on and have fun with the whole gang. The place is pretty cool and large, there is a big lake with ducks, bbq ranches, trails, green areas, there is even a play for the kids, so it was the perfect place to go with the little ones. The first thing we did was make a mini picnic of fruit to snack on and fool our stomachs. After we ate, we decided to go for a walk along the path that goes around the facilities through the forest of 300 hectares which belong to the Pacific conservation area.

The route of the path (probably due to all the rain lately) was wet with some slippery parts but nothing to be alarmed about, it's just a matter of being careful with the kids. Even though they are much more flexible and agile than us. On the way down the path, we came across a labyrinth made up of bushes and got to see a bunch of butterflies of all types. Getting lost there is fun and finding your way out is a challenge on its own, we had a good time trying to beat the kids to the exit. Then we continued the path under the shade passing by a viewpoint that was perfect for a picture and to stop and grab some air before finishing the tour.

When we returned to the ranch, prepared the food that was much better than fruit because Tavo’s parents are always prepared with incredible food, so we had tuna, ham, grapes, apples, chips, and other sandwiches and we ended up stuffed, just in time to set up hammocks and have a fiesta to let digestion do its thing.

The ride ended with the sound of thunder, that was our warning that the rain was coming and we had to start picking up everything, so we headed back to San Jose with our nephews. If you want a nice place to spend some time with your family this is the perfect place.

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