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Los Quetzales National Park

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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · May 29, 2020

We went at it again! This time we decided to go to Los Quetzales National Park right on the Cerro de Muerte ... a perfect place to go with the whole family thanks to its short and easy walking trails.

How to get there?

Take Route 2 towards Pérez Zeledón towards Cerro de la Muerte until you reach the entrance of the National Park on the right, around km 70.

Waze: [https: //](https: //

Distance: 4.8km

Difficulty: Easy

Accessibility: Accessible

What to bring:  Comfortable clothing, waterproof jacket, coat, gloves, hat, sunscreen, water and picnic snacks.

Vehicle: Automobile

Parking: Yes

Pets: No

Camping: No

Contact: 2206 5020

Cost: ¢ 1000 per person, cannot be booked online. Best to arrive as early as possible.

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We arrived at around 8 am at the entrance of the park, where we met the park ranger that gave us directions instructions.

  • Due to health restrictions the maximum capacity is 50 people, so it is preferable to arrive early.

After getting our stuff ready, we started walking, first along a new short path made of concrete within the jungle of about 400m. The forest at the beginning is already impressive, although it's short, it's worth taking the time to appreciate every detail.

When we got back to the parking lot we continued to the other path that is coming out after 100m on the left. This other one is quite wide, with lots of light and you can tell in some parts that the forest is recovering.

Something cool is that the slope is minimal, and there are entrances in the route to see hollow trees and places to sit and have a picnic.

When we got to the end of the trail, all we saw was a sign that read “end of trail”, so we returned to the car to find where to eat.

On the way back we decided to have an improvised picnic at the Mosqueritos Ecological Refuge which is on the way back to San José, we found a place to sit by the lake here and then continued our way home.

  • DATE OF HIKE: May 2020
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