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Parque Nacional La Cangreja

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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · Aug 8, 2019

We went to visit La Cangreja National Park where we could walk for hours, bathe in the most refreshing pools and soak up the sun. So make no excuses and take a hike.

How to get there? You have to grab towards Puriscal, then continue up the mountain for about 1 hour until you reach the entrance of the National Park on the left.


Distance:11 km in total

Difficulty:Moderate / Hard

Accessibility:Not accessible

What to wear? lightweight clothing, trail tennis shoes, repellent, sunscreen, towel, another outfit to change into, a couple of litres of water and enough snacks to last a 4-hour hike.

Vehicle:Automobile or high ground clearance car





Cost:¢ 1000

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We arrived around 9 am at La Cangreja National Park with cloudy weather (which is ok for walking). Once we arrived we parked, paid admission and got our stuff ready for the walk.

With the park ranger’s recommendation (who saw us in good condition) we went to do the trails Río Negro and El Encanto that were 5.5 km (11km in total) through the forest going through several waterfalls that because it’s rainy season It was perfect to cool down on this humid Puriscal area.

We started down the path which had some slippery parts, we passed through the ravines and continued making some stops to discover the secrets that accompany these paths. Among them was one trail we took on the left-hand side in the second ravine which led to an interesting rock formation.

We continued walking for more than an hour, we were surprised how awesome and dense the forest was, although there was a lot of walking uphill so we were sweating hard until we reached El Encanto waterfall with crystal clear water under the shadow of the humid forest. There were 2 entrances that say waterfall that reaches a wall of stone very cool and tall, it is great for photos but there is no pool. If you follow the road for a little longer you find what is called El Encanto waterfall, which is a small waterfall, but it has a pool,... so we stayed on this second spot, It’s where we had a good time and got to cool down and get all refreshed for that 6 km back.

On the way back, 3 km later, the first water droplets began to fall, and then came a downright pour which we were not mad about since It completely woke us up, the best rain we’ve had since our 4 years of ‘quebuenlugar’ ... honestly, It was the best thing that could have happened at that moment. Either way, the weather shouldn't matter as long as you have a good time.

After walking about 45 min with the rain we managed to get to the parking lot to put on dry clothes and thus return to San José save and sound.

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