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Paraíso Quetzal Lodge

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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · Jan 22, 2021

We went to the Cerro de la Muerte to visit Paraíso Quetzal Lodge, a mountain lodge, with cozy wooden cabins surrounded by forest with giant trees, waterfalls and trails for your enjoyment.

How to get there?

Take Route 2 through Cerro de la Muerte until kilometer 70 where you will find the entrance on the right that says “Paraíso Quetzal Lodge”.


Distance: There are 3 circular trails with different distances that together make 8 km.

Difficulty: Moderate - Easy

Accessibility: Not accessible

What to bring? Comfortable clothes for walking, coat, waterproof jacket, trail tennis shoes or boots, hydration, snacks, sunscreen, repellent and excellent attitude.

Vehicle: Automobile

Parking: Yes

Pets: No

Camping: No

Contact: 2200 0241

Cost: ¢ 15000 day pass with lunch included

  • Only with reservation *
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We went to Cerro de la Muerte, the road was a bit foggy but the higher we climbed, the clearer it became until we reached Paraíso Quetzal Lodge with a completely clear blue sky.

At the entrance, the son of the owners received us very kindly and after the protocols of washing hands with very cold water we continued to have breakfast at the restaurant. This place is made of wood, extremely cozy, with a central fireplace and windows facing the forest.

While breakfast was brought to us, we went to the platform in front of the restaurant to appreciate the hundreds of hummingbirds that arrive at the lodge feeders.

After breakfast we begin our tour of this place, starting in a  tower with a platform with the coolest view of the place from where you can see the coast and hopefully to the Gulf of Nicoya and Arenal.

Then we continued with one of the trails called Sendero Quetzal, which is very beautiful, even passing through a small waterfall. We heard many birds but it was difficult for us to see them... maybe we missed them since we were talking too much. (we are definitely not good bird people).

When we finished the path we continued another path that leads to another waterfall going down through several paddocks and the garden that was full of broccoli and cabbage. When we plunged into the forest we began to hear the waterfall more until we arrived. We stayed here taking photos for a short time since it was cold, and we began to go up to the lodge again.

To finish up, we went to do the Sendero los Gigantes, for this we walked a little on a gravel road until we reached the entrance of the trail. The trail took us through a forest of impressive oak trees over 100 years old until we reached the largest tree in the forest which they called the “General Sherman” in honor of the landmark in Sequoia Park in the United States.

Finally we headed back to the lodge for a delicious lunch following the house's recommendation, we all ordered something with local trout…. and it was tasty.

  • DATE OF TRIP: January 2021
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