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Paraíso de Manantiales, Río Cuarto - Grecia

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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · Apr 1, 2016

An awesome one-day tour with lots of waterfalls to discover. The waterfalls flow into Toro Amarillo River canyon where it is impossible not to be full of the joys of spring and have the best time ever!

How to get there

Preferibly go by Vara Blanca; Grecia road is in bad conditions.

Using Waze

What to take

Comfortable clothing for walking and swimming, trail tennis shoes, towel, sunscreen, hat, insect repellent, camera, extra clothing. 

Distance: 2.48 miles (4km)

Difficulty: Moderate

Parking: Yes

Cost: ¢2000 per person

Contact Information: Carlos Mario Chacón 

Mobile: 8651-3422

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To get to this place we went by one place (Grecia) and we returned by another (Vara Blanca). It all depends on what your heart and Waze are telling you. Anyhow, the safer and more civilized road is going by Vara Blanca. On our way, we made the usual pit stop to buy snacks and we continued until we got to Rio Cuarto, specifically to Paraiso de Manantiales. 

The parking lot is right in front of Don Carlos’ restaurant who is also the owner of the property. Don Carlos welcomed us and, then, explained where we should start walking. 

The trail starts with a normal gravel road and then, it diverts left towards the trail that takes to the river and waterfalls. The trail has steep, slippery, and exciting parts. You haven’t even descended 1.24miles (2km) when you should go not only through a couple of waterfalls, but also a spiral staircase in which you go down three floors all of a sudden (not recommended for those afraid of heights). 

Once we arrived to the river, we explored the enormous Cheetos-colored rocks. Upstream there are plenty waterfalls; part of the journey is admiring each of them, taking a seat and listening to the sound of the river while you look into the vast jungle. 

To end our tour we went to the highest drop of water, but not the most voluminous until we found a pool. We swam for a while and bounce back to return. In our way back, we went to a waterfall that is taking left. Later, we continued to the parking lot. 

When we arrived, we ordered a delicious casado with tilapia and a pitcher of juice that we scarfed down with no effort. We got ready to get back to San José, happy of finding another amazing place for you.

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