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Paracaídas - Quepos

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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · Feb 22, 2017

We went with the BLUE CARD AMERICAN EXPRESS to Quepos to do our second challenge, to skydive from a plane! It is easily one of the most exciting activities in the world and we want you to try it and overcome this fear in the coolest way.

How to get there? Take the Costanera Sur highway, passing through Herradura, Jaco, Parrita and when you pass through Quepos, you have to continue for another 10 minutes until you see the sign for Sky Dive Costa Rica, where you will enter the farm where the operations base is located.


Distance: 0km Difficulty: Easy Accessibility: Accessible

What to bring? Comfortable clothes like beachwear, tennis shoes, sunscreen, repellent, and good vibes.

Vehicle: Automobile Parking: Yes Pets: No Camping: No Contact: 8406-8544 / 8350-2746 Cost: $ 339

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We left at about 6:00 a.m. for Quepos, had breakfast for Jacó, and continued until we reached the place. When we arrived we found a gate where a boy received us and guided us to get to the office.

This place is located in the middle of a giant estate that has an airport inside it. Another thing that makes this place special is that it’s so nearby the Manuel Antonio National Park, so part of the ride is to make a journey flying over the famous beaches of this national park.

So we arrived at the office and met the teachers we were going to fly with, then we passed the front desk where we paid and signed the sheets where you assume the risk of the extreme activity to be done and after that, we had to wait a while until it was our turn.

While we waited the emotion was intense, between nerves and excitement. Glori and I (Trejos) were the most scared but still maintained a good attitude as we were about to do one of the activities that manage to push the adrenaline beyond.

Chan-chan-chan chaaaaan ... Our time has arrived! First Karlita and I went (It is done 2 at a time), then along with our two awesome instructors, we went to put the equipment on with which one clings to the instructor. They explained to us how the ride would be and then the landing of the plane, all this to eliminate the risks during the activity.

After a walk of about 3 minutes towards the plane, we mounted and there was no turning back (really since we left SJ there was no turning back), we said goodbye to those who were on land and up we went. The route is about 20 minutes, you pass Manuel Antonio, and the views are epic ... I think these serve to distract the mind of what’s coming. When you reach 2000 m.s.n.m. the teachers say NOW! IT'S TIME!!!

At this moment is when that fear leaves your mind, a rare emotion enters your head, you are on the edge of the door of the plane looking into the void and that instant when you jump, all the fright and fear goes away ... You cry out in happiness naturally and you wish that moment would last forever, but it’s actually 20 seconds that pass incredibly fast. What you feel during the fall is difficult to explain, but it feels delicious, you are looking down with a crazy face but without fear and with the resistance of the wind you go in a horizontal position. It does not feel empty like you normally would think, so you really enjoy that moment to the fullest since you are actually FLYING.

Then noise is heard and it is when the parachute opens, at that moment you already know that you are alive and now you hear the breeze again at a decent speed while still not assimilating what has just happened. The paragliding takes about 5 minutes while you arrive at the airstrip, where Glori and Tavo awaited us ...

Then they left to fly in the same way, Glori thought she was going to cry nervously and Tavo was willing to cheer her up, but in the end, everything went well and the excitement overcame Glori's nerves and she did not cry. Minutes later they returned with the same crazy face that we had, satisfied to overcome one of the biggest fears ... to throw themselves into the void. It really is an activity that is worth doing and the more you fear at the beginning the more amazing it feels and after all, is done you feel like the king of the world.

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