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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · Nov 20, 2017

Ocean Ranch is an excellent option to get out of the routine and have a full day of adventure. It is very close to San José and you can do many guided activities in the same place, surrounded by a humid tropical forest.

How to get there? with Waze

at to bring? Repellent, sunscreen, swimwear, sunglasses, hat, snacks, beverages and a change of clothes

Pets: No Time Horseback riding: 1 hour Rappel: 1 hour Canopy: 2 hours


Contact: Phone: 26432182 [email protected]

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We take the route to Playa Hermosa, Jaco. We arrived early at Ocean Ranch where we had planned several activities.

The first thing we did was ride a horse to get into the farm, the road was next to a river which we had to cross several times in a 1.5 km distance trail. The ride is very neat because you go into the forest, past the river, then go next to the river with a beautiful landscape and full of vegetation. When we came to a dead-end we saw a waterfall called El Encanto, where we were going to do rappel.

We put on the equipment and up towards the waterfall we went, it was a steep trail. After getting instructions from the guide, on the equipment and technical data, we descended the cascade-like ninjas. A very exciting experience, since it depends entirely on you, in a quiet natural environment. The feeling of going down the waterfall is great, something that everyone should try and it is quite safe.

After the rappel, we joined a group of foreigners to do canopy. The canopy consists of almost 2 km of cables divided into 8 lines between the treetops. Going from tree to tree is awesome, at first it gives you a bit of nerve but then it is quite fun. In one of the cables we were given the option to throw ourselves Spiderman style, it's a bit hard to master the position but once you get a hang of it, it is fun as hell. When we got off one of the canopy, they had fresh fruits that made tasted like heaven. The longest cable, which is actually the last one, lasts about 1 minute from start to finish. The view is amazing and you cross a river. When we finished the canopy, tired, we arrived at the ranch where there was fresh cold water, just what we needed. And to end the day it started pouring, luckily we were at the ranch. From there we rode an old Ford pickup to return to the parking lot and return to San Jose.

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