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Monteverde Parte 2

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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · Dec 19, 2017

We bring you the second part of the ride that we took to Monteverde, an incredible place full of nature reserves with forests with trails that lead to simply spectacular views.

How to get there? Take the north interamerican route andt deviate to the right in the gas station where it says Monteverde ...still always confirm with the rout waze gives you.


Tremendous sight dawn:

Santa Elena de Monteverde Center:

Cala Lodge:

Eternal Forest of the Children Bajo del Tigre:

Ecological Sanctuary:

Reserva Curicancha:


  • Santa Elena Reserve: 4km
  • Selvatura Park: 3km
  • Sky: 0.5km
  • Ecological Farm: 3km
  • Curi Court: 5km
  • Eternal Forest of Children: 5km

Difficulty: Easy - Moderate Accessibility: Yes

What to bring? Comfortable clothes for walking, light coat, waterproof jacket, trail shoes, an extra pair in case they get wet, and * repellent *.

Vehicle: preferably 4 × 4 Parking: Yes Pets: No Camping: No


Monteverde Tourism Chamber: [email protected] Cala Lodge: 2645-5626 Orchid Coffee Shop: 2645-6850 Monteverde Ecological Sanctuary: 2645-5869 Curi-Cancha 2645-6915 Eternal Forest of Children: 2645-5305

Cost: Varies depending on the routes or activities.

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On Sunday we got up early to go to see the sunrise at a viewpoint called San Gerardo lookout, this is on the top of the mountain of Monteverde and is the mountain range that divides the Atlantic from the Pacific. To get here we drove about half an hour from Cala Lodge, even the road was long (we were still asleep + hungry) it was worth it.

We got out of the car in a perfect paddock without trees with the most wicked view that we have encountered in a long time so we took the opportunity to take pictures and enjoy this place. From here you can see the Arenal Volcano perfectly and its lake, and with luck you can see other volcanoes of the Guanacaste mountains such as Tenorio and Rincón de la Vieja. Once our guts started making noise, there was nothing left but to go back to Orchids Coffee Shop for delicious breakfast.


After lunch, we went to the Ecological Sanctuary of Monteverde with Andrés Vargas which is located nearby at the Cala Lodge where we stayed and super near the center of Santa Elena. We arrived and were greeted by a girl, all nice people, who accompanied us along the main path for a while until we came to an intersection where we followed the trail, which was 700m roundtrip. Then we continued walking down to the river, where we came across a small waterfall, we stayed here for a while and then we returned to the path to walk a little more.

This trail is quite friendly for beginners, it is also all under the shade which makes it quite cozy. During the tour you can go through a very big giant tree, here we stopped to take pictures since it was worth it. After that, we went back to the car to go to the next place.


About 15 minutes from the Sanctuary was our next stop, Curi-Cancha is another reserve that has been regenerating for more than 40 years, going from an empty paddock to a mystic forest ideal for bird watching (like everything in Monteverde). The place is entered by a street that goes to the upper part of the reserve, then you get to an intermediate area of rest with bathrooms where one decides which path to take.

We through the Leo Trail, this is a viewpoint towards the mountains of the Reserve. The trail is super well marked and mostly under the shade, on the other hand, it is good to be careful as there are many animals that can be seen on the way (we saw birds and a porcupine). On the way we went through a road which we took advantage of to get out and take pictures ... this to see fallen trees was very common during our visit Monteverde due to the last tropical storm, even so this is seen as a perfect opportunity for new plants, when the sunlight reflects, they can grow and regenerate the forest.

After the tour, we went back to the parking lot to continue our way to our last stop in the area ... The Eternal Forest of Children.

Eternal Forest of Children

Our last stop was this place called Eternal Forest of Children, we arrived at the entrance that is like a wooden house in the middle of the forest and they told us their story which is nice to hear. It turns out that this property bears this name in honor of the Quakers who had protected their forest basin as Bosqueterno, S.A. and the contributions of children around the world.

After the explanation of the boy at the reception, we went to walk downhill almost 1km through a typical forest in the area, perhaps a little drier in the shade, until we reached a viewpoint from which we could see part of the forest canyon towards the Pacific. We could not see much at the viewpoint due to the clouds, but it was enough to make some aerial shots while we got the strength to climb back to the parking lot.

All the work that goes on in Monteverde is incredible, a whole community united in the conservation of the cloud forest, all the activities, trails and experiences are enough for all people. Monteverde needs more visits from conscious nationals who appreciate the natural beauty of the place.

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