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MonteSky - Cartago

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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · Jun 25, 2017

We went to see the Monte Sky farm in Orosí, with tremendous waterfalls protected by a mountain of almost virgin forest with an indescribable vibe.

How to get there? Take the path towards Cartago, from there head towards Paraiso and then turn aside to Orosí. Follow the street as in the direction of Tapantí and on the way turn right towards the Monte Sky estate.

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What to bring? Comfortable clothes for walking, trail tennis, waterproof jacket, repellent, snacks and drinks for the road and an excellent attitude.

Distance: 3km Difficulty: Easy Accessibility: Not accessible Vehicle: Automobile preferably high. Parking: Yes Pets: No Camping: Yes, they also offer the lodging service. Contact: 8382-7502 or 2228-0010 Cost: ¢ 2500 national ¢ 12500 per night at home (maximum 12 people, there is a kitchen) $ 8 foreigners

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We left half an hour early towards Orosí of Cartago to visit this place we had heard so much of, almost arriving in Tapantí, we turned down a gravel road that climbed the mountain with a spectacular view.

Then when we got to the parking lot, got out of the car with all our stuff and started walking towards the mountain house in Monte Sky. We were welcomed by Billy and Carlos, they told us a bit about the great history of the farm and its trails. The house is on a hill over grass, surrounded by a mountain of intense forest that contains several waterfalls which we were more than ready to explore.

First, we went to the waterfall called Mirando al Cielo (Looking at the sky), it was about 700 m above passing through a small waterfall. The path is in excellent condition, the slope is not very steep and it is relatively easy to cross. The waterfall is the best, the dew that it generates makes it difficult to be dry yet the nature that surrounds it makes it a unique and special place.

After we returned to the house to take the other road that leads to the viewpoint of El Duende waterfall (Goblin waterfall). Here we walked a little more, almost the whole way was climbing up to the viewpoint that was a descent of about 50m. From the viewpoint, there was a window of vegetation that frames the waterfall in the background ... we take advantage to set up our hammocks here and make a mini-picnic until we were attacked by annoying mosquitoes. It was at that precise moment that we decided to gather our things and leave the mountain to the house of Monte Sky.

In the house, we stayed chatting with Billy for a while until it was time to say goodbye and we were getting hungry anyway. On the way back we passed by a little restaurant in the center of the town of Orosí for lunch.

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