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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · Feb 16, 2018

Mistico is a farm that offers a variety of tours to have direct contact with the exotic nature of the Arenal area with incredible views of the volcano, the lagoon and various waterfalls in the mountains.

Distancia: Varia

Dificultad: Fácil

Accesibilidad: Es Accesible

How to get there? The most common route from San José is San Ramón until you reach La Fortuna de San Carlos, then you have to continue towards the volcano until you reach the part of the Arenal Lake reservoir where you turn right after the bridge.


Distance: It varies

Difficulty: Easy

Accessibility: Accessible

What to bring? Comfortable clothes, trail tennis shoes, swimsuit, repellent, sunscreen, towel, waterproof jacket and an excellent attitude.

Vehicle: Automobile


Pets: No


Contact: TEL: 2479 8282

Cost: $ 15- $ 60 all depends on the activity and it’s best to call to check for promotions.

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The weekend of the so-called presidential elections of 2018, we decided to take a breath of fresh air and connect with nature. We left on Friday night with Naty, Max, Henry and Leonela from Plura, a social enterprise that advises companies and organizations to be more inclusive and accessible. Naty is a wheelchair user, Henry is a blind person, Max is deaf and Leonela is a special education teacher (and Max's girlfriend).

On Saturday morning we were having breakfast of champs with eggs, plantains and coffee to do they start off the day with the first activity: the Spider Monkey Canyon. After the explanation in an accessible format, with interpretation in LESCO for Max and in a practical way touching the strings and the security team so that Henry could understand everything clear, we went down (one of the guys from Mistico gave Naty a piggyback ride) to the first platform to start the adventure in the middle of the mountain. We inaugurated the tour with this inclusive team doing first rappel, heart in my hands, while we saw Henry going down super fast in the freezing waterfall, we inaugurated a tour with an inclusive group. For more than two hours we walked through the middle of the mountain, rappelling down, canopy, enjoying the waterfalls and the cold river (the waters are not thermal here). The coolest part was that we all enjoyed the ride the same: a person from Mistico guided Henry to perceive the forest and the experience from all directions, Max had a facilitator of the communication of Mistico and understood perfectly all the instructions of security and Naty took turns to take her to a horse. Leaving the mountain, we expected refreshments with coffee and cloth to warm up while we saw the photos of the first adventure.

Then we go up to do zorbing, a big ball where one gets in, they throw water and they literally throw it down ... it's a crazy thing to do at least once in a lifetime, it's indescribable! And all, we all send ourselves in pairs, in the midst of drowned laughter! The truth is greatly enjoyed. Already droughts after so much cold water and well-lunched, we went up to do the tour on horseback. Max was super excited and in all of them with the facilitator of the communication of Mystic and Henry, it was the first time he was riding a horse! We went up to the viewpoint and contemplated spectacular views of the Arenal Volcano and the lagoon, even if it was a little cloudy the day. We go down and halfway we leave the horses to follow the paths with hanging bridges. Naty was waiting for a motorized chair in which she could walk the trails and suspension bridges fresher and rested than any, with a change to a horse (human) to go down to see the waterfall more closely. It was an experience punch for all, Max taught us some words in LESCO, we were surprised to see Henry so commanded, enjoying full of the mountain and the all-terrain of Naty always aimed at adventure. Mistico is a place that can be enjoyed with friends and family, even Granny can take it! They provide a 100% human quality customer service and ensure that everyone, regardless of their mobility, perception or communication characteristics, has a phenomenal day. And for us, what a good place this was, an incredible experience that we enjoyed lots of, where we realize that there is no excuse if you want to enjoy your country, with a little help you can achieve it.

DATE OF WALK: January 2018

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