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Metaponto Waterfall

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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · Aug 27, 2021

We visited what is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful and impressive waterfalls we have seen in the 6 years since launching Que Buen Lugar, we´re talking about the Metaponto Waterfall in Sabalito de Cotobrus.

How to get there?

You have to head to San Vito de Coto Brus, you can get there by the Costanera Sur or by the Interamericana passing through Pérez Zeledón.


I use Waze to go to Sabalito:

Hotel La Riviera Sabalito:

Distance: 5 Km

Difficulty: Hard

Accessibility: Not accessible

What to bring? 

Comfortable clothes for walking, swimsuit, repellent, trail tennis shoes or boots with hard heels, towel, dry clothes to change into, snacks, minimum 1 liter of beverages.

Vehicle: 4X4 or with the transport of Discovering Coto Brus

Parking: Yes

Pets: No

Camping: Yes


Discovering Coto Brus 8985-7939

Hotel la Riviera 2784-0305

Cost: ₡15,000 includes transportation, food, and a guide. Without transportation ₡12,500

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We started our last day of adventure in Cotobrus by having breakfast at a bakery on the way and then continued to the starting point of the trail to go to the Meta Ponto waterfall, very close to Sabalito.

The first thing you cross is farms with grass, then you pass a ravine and then the interesting part begins... The DESCENT.

Since it rained all night, the trail was quite muddy and slippery... and to make it more intense, the descent was super steep and technical... in distance it was not that much but in difficulty it was heavy.

After about 45 minutes of climbing down holding on to the trees, roots and ropes placed by our guide Jostin, we reached a small spot in the forest where the waterfall could be seen in the distance. This motivated us to continue descending until we reached the lower part next to the river, where we walked about 200 meters more on slippery stones, surrounded by a lot of ferns.

In this last part you can already see 60% of the waterfall, while the wind with dew produced by the waterfall soaked our cheeks, so hard that it's even hard to open our eyes... It is definitely a spectacular place.

Getting to the Meta Ponto waterfall (Finish Point) is really a worthwhile challenge, I could easily say that it is one of the most beautiful waterfalls I have seen in these 6 years of walking with my friends from QueBuenLugar.

We spent a little over half an hour here enjoying this cool place until it was time to go back to the car. The return climb was easier than the descent for sure, you have more control and you also cross faster.

*DATE OF HIKE: July 2021

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