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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · Dec 11, 2015

On a partially cloudy Sunday, we headed to Grecia towards some waterfalls well-known because water springs from a stone wall, that left us in amazement. 

How to get there Using Waze

Parking: Yes

Camping area: Yes

Cost: ¢2000 per person

Pets: No

Vehicle: Any car

What to take Dry-fit clothing, extra clothing, swimsuit, tennis or water shoes to walk in the river.

Schedule: no restricted

Difficulty: Easy

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This place is one hour and a half away. Its access is indicated by a cute sign painted with watercolors saying Parque Recreativo Los Chorros (Los Chorros Recreational Park). We went down on a steep winding gravel road that leads you to the parking space. Then, the keeper charged us for the entrance and the parking space and explained to us what trail takes to the waterfall and the streams. 

We changed for clothing to get wet, went down for 10 or 15 minutes to the picnic area and the restrooms, and continued a bit more until the trail ended by the strenuous sound of the waterfall backwards. We grabbed a rope to prevent being dragged out by the strong current. After walking 25m up-river, we spotted the first waterfall that was at least 164ft (50m) high, making a lot of mist. 

We continued walking a bit more and in the right side, we saw the famous streams, springing from the stone wall. We stayed for just a moment and then, we continued to the last waterfall that was really close. It wasn’t higher than the previous one, but it caused a swirl. Then, we heard some thunders so we decided to go back. 

This tour is cheap as chips and a blessing in disguise!

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