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Las Hornillas

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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · Jun 3, 2016

On the slopes of the Miravalles Volcano is Las Hornillas, a family project where you can hike two waterfalls passing by suspension bridges, walk through the active crater with bubbling mud pots, see volcanic sauna, enjoy natural mud baths and hot springs.

How to get there? 400 m south, 2 km east of Geothermal Miravalles plant. Fortuna de Bagaces, Guanacaste with Waze

Vehicle: Automobile Parking: Yes

Contact: Tel: (506) 8839-9769 Email: [email protected]

Cost: ¢ 29400 Lodging + Waterfalls + Boilers (includes breakfast and lunch) ¢ 14000 Day pass Waterfalls + Boilers (includes lunch)


If you say you saw the information in Qué Buen Lugar, there’s a 5% discount.

Camping Area: Yes Pets: No

What to bring? Comfortable clothes for walking, sunblock, hat, hydrating beverages, snacks for the way, and a positive attitude.

Difficulty: Medium

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We took off from San José very early Saturday morning to go to see the Miravalles Volcano. We arrived at Las Hornillas where two peacocks greeted us with a show since we went to ZooAve we hadn’t seen this awesome-looking bird. In addition to having those incredible feathers, the colors are impressive. We arrived at the reception where they explained the tour we were going to do and they guided us to the restaurant. We were received with a breakfast for champions, eggs, custard, plantains, bread, and coffee. Once we had breakfast, we rode a tractor to go to the trails. First, we went through the forest, passing by hanging paths and bridges, from where you can see rivers and the dirt with an earthy orange color until you reach a medium waterfall. Tavo, as always, took off his shirt and dived in. Then we left where we had started to enter another path, this was also passed by suspension bridges, very cool because you can see the forest and rivers from another perspective. On this trail, we came across a larger waterfall than the previous one and with a refreshing pool, it also had a mini cave. Tavo dove in from the platform. Karlita and I preferred to go down the stairs and walk. We chilled here for a while until it was time to leave to continue with the activities.

Once we returned to the hotel it was lunchtime. We ate delicious again and went to check out the crater. They explained to us that the most recommendable thing was to first do the trek through the crater to see the fumaroles, sulfur and mud pots making bubbles. Once this tour was done we got ready for the spa. First we went to the sauna to open the pores, then we went to do the mud bath, which is basically covering your whole body with volcanic mud, does not smell very good (combination of fart and rotten egg), but it’s part of the experience, you can not expect a good smell of volcanic mud. In addition, the important thing is the properties, rejuvenate a couple of years;). We waited until it was dried and showered to remove the mud. From the showers, we went to the hot springs starting with the hottest and ending in the cooler one. We were feeling like new, relaxed and rejuvenated folks.


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