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Las Eólicas de Santa Ana

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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · Jul 20, 2017

This is a place that many know about since it’s an easy, accessible and cheap way to get out of the routine in a place with stunning views. A classic spot that will never go out of style.

How to get there? Go to Santa Ana, and at the Red Cross roundabout, follow the old street towards Ciudad Colón, then turn to the first entrance on the left. In that street a couple with a couple of speed bumps and in the second entrance (I think) turn to the right, the only thing left from there is to climb up to the top of the mountain.


Distance: Free

Difficulty: Easy

Accessibility: Easy access.

What to wear Sunblock ***, casual Sunday clothes, trail tennis shoes, picnic blanket, kite, frisbees, picnic snacks and an excellent attitude.

Vehicle: Automobile (take into account that it is VERY steep, so it is advisable to go down doing compression If it’s manual)

Parking: On the street

Pets: Yes

Camping: Possibly but it’s rough.

Cost: Free

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The thing is that Sunday came around and we wanted to do something nearby, cool and where we could take the cute dogs, so we went to La Ventolera. We left Tibás at about 9 and then we went to the supermarket to buy snacks for a picnic.

When we arrived there were not many people, so we parked on the side of the street to let the dogs out and get our backpacks. The fact that it is such an accessible spot also has its problems, because sometimes really sketchy people can get there and end up leaving trash with them.

What we did when we arrived was to pick up the trash for about 15 minutes, yet we could not finish cleaning even half of it... it is a pity that some people don’t appreciate the places and leave them worse than they found them.

For this reason, we insist on the following: PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE GARBAGE! AND HELP CLEAN AT LEAST AROUND WHERE YOU SIT, this is the least we can do. As a recommendation, you can take a trash bag from your house and fill it and bring it back and with that, you’ll make a great contribution.

Continuing with the story, after cleaning the paddock a little we went to walk down, the lower you walk more clean, beautiful and without people will be the paddock ... So that's our recommendation, walk and discover the paddocks, find your spot and enjoy the time in combo with family, friends and pets.

Once at our spot, we flew the kite for a while, I brought a very cheap one and couldn’t even get it to fly and Tavo like always prepared a super pro one and left me looking terrible. We also ate some delicious sandwiches, we played with the dogs that had a blast there, we played around and talked smack for a long time.

In this place you can do pretty much anything, you just have to be creative to have a good time. And the good thing is that the view is incredible. After about 3 hours there, we packed everything and we went back that Karlita had a family commitment. A bonus of this place is the amazing sunsets, you can take some epic photos here.

This place is seen from all the Central Valley, It obviously draws attention for its giant propellers and the best of all is that it’s easy to reach. One more excuse to check out this place and not make any excuses.

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