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Lago Atitlán - Guatemala

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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · Jan 25, 2019

We went to Guatemala to see the most beautiful lake in Central America ... You would not imagine the scenery, a place surrounded by culture, gastronomy and beauty that seems to be taken straight out of a painting.

How to get there?

From Antigua Guatemala take a direct bus to the town of Panajachel at Lake Atitlán.

 Distance: Free

Difficulty: Easy

Accessibility: If accessible

What to bring?

Sweater, swimsuit, sunscreen, towel, clothes for going out, comfortable tennis shoes, daypack and another small one for sightseeing.

Vehicle: Taxi-boat and Tuk-tuk

Parking: No

Pets: No

Camping: No

Contact: No

Cost: $ 50 per day, counting taxi-boat and meals.

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After getting off the Acatenango Volcano we went to Lake Atitlan, to get there we left from Antigua on a minibus and we lasted about 4 hours to get to Panajachel. Panajachel is the largest town next to the lake and its great development compared to the rest of the villages is because it is the port where ferries and taxi boats leave for other small towns.

We got off the bus and went to the dock to take the taxi-boat that would take us to our lodging in San Marcos. When we arrived at our airbnb we had to climb quite a few steps so it is advisable to carry a backpack, besides that to get on and off the boats is easier.

We settled in the house with a tremendous lake view and got dressed to go eat somewhere in town, on the way It got dark since we had to walk a half hour but we found a beautiful alley full of restaurants so we chose one and had dinner there (we were starving).

With our bellies full we headed back to the house, stopped for an ice cream at Dolce Gelato and the minisuper to buy stuff for our breakfast the next day.

Day 2

After waking up and having breakfast, we went sightseeing, so we went to the dock of the property and stopped the first boat that went to the town of San Juan.

In San Juan we walked uphill and got into the market, others went to look for an ATM. At the market we tried different typical dishes and then walked some more looking for different souvenirs. What captivated us was a shop like an association of indigenous people who weave purses, key chains, bags and even cool clothes.

After buying stuff here we went to walk more through the town until we found a ballast road that led to the next town called San Pedro. We lasted almost 1 hour under the sun, obviously hunger struck so the first thing we did when we got to the other town was to eat something... When we finished eating we hired a couple of tuktuks to go to a lookout and know a little more about San Pedro.

After the afternoon we went back to our lodging, where we ordered pizza express.

Day 3

This day was our last day, so we woke up and went to see a place that I saw right here in San Marcos from the boat ... It's called Tzankujil Hill and it's municipal, the entrance is very cheap and it has trails everywhere ... of viewpoints with wooden decks to jump into the lake.

We had our dose of adventure here, something always necessary in our walks, we walked quite a bit and we even climbed a platform that was easily 10 meters high.

After visiting this awesome park we went back to the house to prepare our stuff since at 1pm our bus left to return to Antigua.

Date of the tour: OCTOBER 2018

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