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La Angelina

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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · Dec 13, 2019

We went to do mountain bike and hiking at La Angelina located in Ochomogo, an awesome place, safe, nearby, with lots of trails for all types of people.

How to get there: Go towards Cartago, you have to reach the entrance of Recope, at the 2 intersections that follow turn left until you reach the Angelina gate.


Distance: Free, but there are more than 20 km on trails

Difficulty: Intermediate

Accessibility: Not accessible

What to bring: Comfortable clothes, trail tennis shoes,beverages, snacks and a jacket. If you go biking it is essential to wear a helmet.

Vehicle: Automobile

Parking: Yes

Pets: Yes (with a leash)

Camping: No

Contact: Telephone: 8842-6386 Facebook: Instagram:

Cost: ¢4 000 by bike ¢3 000 walking

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We arrived at Angelina after 8 am, we split into two: Glori and I (Trejos) by bike and Tavo and Karla were walking.

The thing is that ‘La Angelina’ is a place that has been around for years, it’s very safe and has mountain biking trails, they are not simple but with practice you can master them. These are very good for walking and running ... either for recreation or training, they are well maintained and are under the shade of the trees.

We did the tour recreationally, waiting for those who were walking so that we could all enjoy the place together. During the 2 hours we spent there, we went through native forests, paddocks and parts of the path slightly slippery due to the rainfall from the previous day.

In the end, when we reached the highest part, we came across an awesome view where you can see Cartago and San José perfectly with the Carpintera hill on the front. It is worth reaching the highest part and we recommend going early to see it clearly.

After walking back to the parking lot, we washed off the bikes and had something to drink while we waited for the other folks that were walking the trail so that we could all go to lunch.

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