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Kayak Isla San Lucas & Golfo

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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · Sep 29, 2019

We escaped by kayak from Playa Naranjo Puntarenas to the mystical San Lucas Island and also boarded a lot of islands in the Gulf of Nicoya.

There is no doubt whatsoever that Playa Naranjo is more than a ferry dock ... this place is full of adventures and unusual places worth visiting.

How to get there? Take Route 27 until you reach the Puntarenas ferry, here you take the ferry to Playa Naranjo (tickets can be purchased online), and after getting off the ferry you leave and turn left for 400m until you reach the Hotel Pacific.

Waze: O’Pacífico Hotel

Distance: 4 km

Difficulty:Moderate Kayak

Accessibility:If accessible

What to bring? Swimsuit, sunscreen, repellent, towel, cap/hat, sandals/tennis shoes, water bottle and excellent attitude.






Cost: San Lucas Island Tour Rates: SUP private group class: $ 40 IVI Kayak Tour: $ 35 IVI Lunch Box $ 7 per person Island Tour Rates in COCOS Tour $ 60 IVI per person

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Kayak to San Lucas Island

We woke up at the Hotel O’Pacífico in Playa Naranjo Puntarenas, the plan was to be at the beach by 5 am to begin the 7 km kayaking paddle to San Lucas Island. The idea of ​​getting up early was to see the sunrise, and in the meantime protect us from the burning sun.

The day was cloudy but the sea was calm so it was ideal for all the paddling we had to do, the landscape of the eternally green islands of the Gulf of Nicoya is amazing so the paddling is quite entertaining.

After the first half-hour, we managed to see the historic San Lucas Island in the background, then we continued paddling for half an hour until we reached the bay of the island where we stopped for breakfast at a small beach. Something cool we did was clean up how much trash we found floating in the sea and did the same thing on the beach to leave the place cleaner than we found it.

Once our bellies were full, we finished paddling to the pier to walk a little through the old prison on San Lucas Island. The walk at this place is extremely mystical because of the mix of spaces taken up by nature and cells where, according to what they tell us, hundreds of inmates were crammed. While people were being punished for their actions, there is a place that surprised us even more, it’s a hole in the middle of the square where they locked the worst inmates.

After the tour in the ruins, we followed a path that led to the other side ... overall a 1 km round trip under the shade with the sound of the congo monkeys in the background. We walked back to the pier to row back to the Hotel O´Pacífico, that part was tiring but it was worth every minute in the water.

Boat tour through the islands of the Gulf of Nicoya

After lunch, we got ready to go for a boat ride with Coco’s Tours to see the sunset in the middle of the sea. Then we passed through several nice islands ... some very green and others more rocky.

When it was time for the sunset, the boat slowed down to appreciate the sunset between the mountains of Jicaral de Puntarenas. There is no doubt that Playa Naranjo is more than a ferry dock… this place is full of adventures and unusual places worth knowing.

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