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Isla Jesusita

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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · Nov 22, 2017

Isla Jesusita is one of many paradisiacal islands that exist on our coasts, here you can find peace and relaxation on another level, with exuberant nature, it is simply spectacular.

How to get there? Arrive at the ferry in Puntarenas, the car has to be left in a parking lot, and you cross towards Paquera.

Vehicle: Every vehicle arrives. Parking: Yes, you have to leave it at Frank Cabins it can be seen from the entrance of the ferry ... costs ¢ 6000 per night

Services It has camping tents equipped with mattresses and sheets, grills, kitchen with necessities, showers, sanitary services, transport service by boat to Paquera, fishing tours, snorkeling and to other islands.

Costs Ride in panga-taxi: Maximum 6 people ¢ 10 000 (round trip). Stay on the island of Jesusita ¢ 5000 x night. Tent equipped for 4 people ¢ 10000 x night. Snorkeling Tour ¢ 14000 per person (minimum 4 people). Banana tour around the island: ¢ 4000 per person (minimum 4 people) duration 15 minutes.

Contact: Giovanni 8754-6652 FB: Isla Jesusita Paquera Time: 1 night minimum

What to bring? Light clothes with sun protection for 2 days, swimwear, towel, hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, repellent, flip flops, water for drinking, food for 2 dinners, 2 breakfasts and 1 lunch.

Food? A bottle of water, other things to drink like ice tea, snacks, easy to make meals, for example tuna, sandwich, hot dogs, hamburgers, salad, eggs for breakfast and everything you want.

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Día 1 We left on Friday after the rush hour, a beautiful traffic jam almost made us miss our arrival at the ferry (9 pm), but as we headed towards Caldera, we saw the light. We arrived just in time to where our guide Giovanni received us, without much mishap we got on the ferry and set sail for Paquera half asleep. Once in Paquera, a panga waited for us on the shore, with a couple of flashlights we mounted and took off from the mainland towards the unknown.

The night that we went It happened to be a new moon phase (we couldn’t see the moon) but this fit into perfection with the simple trip in a panga, in a bioluminescence show, the most amazing thing we’ve lived during this project. These organisms (called plankton) when we passed in the panga and stirred them generated a light, like a cloud of stars in the sea, while we played the water went up our arms and the lights vanished. This should really be experienced in person since we could not film it in any way ☹.

Día 2 Upon awakening with an incredible view of the island Jesusita, a panga arrived for us to get to the place where our tour was going to take off after breakfast. This island has a bunch of stuff, bathrooms, showers, camping tents all large, with mattresses, clean bedding, dining area in the shade with tables, barbecue, hammocks, and preferably carry drinking water.

After having breakfast and eating mangos from the poles of the island, we got ready to go and learn a little more about where we were. A boat picked us up, we went to visit several awesome islands, we did snorkel, and we walked until noon which made us hungry (for a change). It was at that moment that we went to a practically uninhabited island called Alcatraz, we were the only ones on this paradise island very close to Tortuga Island. A white sand beach with turquoise water just for us was more than enough to charge batteries and continue our boat ride.

We set sail, threw the fishing rods in search of fresh dinner, we saw whales in the distance on the horizon, plus some shoals of sardines jumping fleeing a predator, we passed the Refuge of life SILVESTRE Curú and that was when we caught our delicious dinner. When we returned to the campsite on the island, we were knocked out until 9 pm, so we lit the campfire and started cooking our dinner.

At around 11 o'clock at night, we could not control the desire to get back into the sea to play with the lights of the plankton, while the fish passed like rays of light between us. It is important to clarify that this show is visible during the dark days of the new moon, the lack of light favors this which is really cool.

Día 3 When we woke up, we had a good breakfast again, we knocked down a couple of mangoes we got on the boat to go back to the ferry. Once in the port, we got one of those the classic and delicious Churchills to drink on our way back to San Jose, satisfied with the incredible weekend we spent in this great place.

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