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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · Oct 13, 2016

Although most associate this place with buying appliances in El Depósito, Golfito is a very chic area with incredible landscapes, trails in mid-mountain, panoramic views of the gulf and perfect for dolphin and whale watching.

How to get there? There are several options you can go by 27 and then by the Interamericana Sur or Cerro de la Muerte. We always trust what Waze us

Municipal Dock: Cerro Adams (Torres de Golfito): Cocoa Beach - Mirador Zamia: Mar y Luna Restaurant: Hostal del Mar:

Distance: Mirador Zamia 2 km round trip. Difficulty: Mirador Zamia: Moderate. Vehicle: Automobile Parking: Yes Pets: No

What to bring? Comfortable clothes, trail tennis, sandals, sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses, insect repellent, swimsuit, and towel.

Contacts: (Whales and Dolphins Tour) Botero Association Golfito Gerardo Azofeifa 8426-1345 Jaime Barrantes 8879-8184

Cost: Tour dolphin and mangrove sightings: $ 600 Large boat with capacity for 20 people $ 280 small boat with capacity for 8 people

Hostal del Mar Tel:4700 0510 Email:[email protected]

Hostal del Mar -1 shared dorm with 4 beds, including breakfast: $ 20 per person per night -1 shared dorm with 2 beds, including breakfast: $ 20 per person per night -1 Shared Dormitory with 1 double bed and 1 single bed, including breakfast: $ 20 per person per night

Cerro Adams: free Cerro Zamia: ¢ 2000

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The thing is that some time ago we were eager to see whales and we were lucky that Patricia contacted us from the Golfo Dulce Tourism Chamber to invite us to Golfito. Patricia had several activities for us to get the most out of the area. So without thinking twice and with all the attitude we left on Friday after work towards Golfito, we stopped at Herradura to buy food and dinner for the day and went straight to Hotel Las Gaviotas where we spent the first night.

On Saturday we woke up early, we walked by the Las Gaviotas dock, enjoying the beauty of the sea and the landscape with the light of dawn, and we got ready for our first activity: Whale and dolphin watching.

Whale and dolphin watching and mangrove tour. We left the Municipal dock of Golfito, where Gerardo and Jaime were waiting for us from the Golfito boatmen's association in the boat. We went to explore the gulf going through Playa Cacao until we found dolphins. Thankfully, Mario, our special guest had the gift of taming dolphins with a sound that made them stay close to the boat for a while, we could see them from all angles. Then we continued looking for whales until near Puerto Jimenez we saw one with its baby. We stayed a while looking at them, sometimes only the fin was seen, sometimes the splash, suddenly it was underwater until suddenly puuummm it jumped and we almost died of emotion, seriously we were shook, we shouted it was too exciting and the good thing is I think that the Whale liked it because, after that big jump, he jumped again a couple of times. After appreciating such a show we continued with our tour towards the mangrove swamp at the mouth of the Coto River where we saw many birds and several crocodiles. When the rain began, we decided to return.

Satisfied with the tour and already hungry we went back to the dock and went to lunch at Restaurante Mar y Luna, which is near, with a view of the sea and delicious, we recommend the fish.

After a coffee hour, we went to the Hostal del Mar. Catalina took care of us and showed us the Hostal, it's big and super cute. We left the stuff and got ready to go to dinner since we liked it so much we repeated the restaurant and returned to Mar y Luna to eat delicacies.

On Sunday we woke up early to do paddle boarding from the hostel to Pelicano Island. Starting to paddle and while we waited for Mari, Tavo and I were surprised by two dolphins passing by super close, it was awesome. We continued paddling with our instructor Ariel to Pelicano Island, It was super cool because the sea in Golfito is like a mirror so it's calm and the scenery is beautiful.

We returned to the pier of the hostel for breakfast and got ready to continue sightseeing. We went by car to Cerro Adams aka Las Torres, as it is known in Golfito. This hill is super near the center, you just turn right after the plaza and climb the mountain, on the way you will see several spots where it is mandatory to stop to see the panoramic views of the Golfo Dulce. In one of those, there was a perfect space for a picnic, so we stopped to lay down the blanket and we made some delicious sandwiches.

After that, our next destination was another viewpoint, which is on Playa Cacao, in fact, you arrive by car to the beach and from there you walk towards the viewpoint. You have to ask for Lola in the only restaurant in that place so she can show you where to go. Mister Roberto accompanied us and took us to his house, which has a very spectacular view. There he offered us coconut and sugarcane water. Then he took us to the highest part of Zamia which has a very good view as well and that's where our tour of Golfito ended. We are very much looking forward to returning because although we tried to make a lot of profit, in the end, we missed many cool places to visit. And the truth Golfito is a place that we should all visit.

DATE OF THE WALK - September 2016

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