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Finca Retos del Irazú

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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · Apr 22, 2022

We went to see Finca Retos del Irazú, a small town near Prusia in Cartago, with trails for beginners, a picnic area and a perfect campsite to have a blast.

How to get there?

From the Sanatorium 2km north on the road to Prusia, 1km after the Sanatorium is the bridge, 300mts after the bridge turn right from there 1km north, pass through a small square 200mts later is the Camp.


Distance: 3km

Difficulty: Easy

Accessibility: Not accessible

What to bring? Comfortable clothing, trail tennis shoes or boots, jacket, sweater, sun protection, hat, picnic blanket, snacks, beverages and an excellent attitude.

Vehicle: 4×4

Parking: Yes

Pets: Yes

Camping: Yes


WhatsApp: 8378-3556

Instagram @retosdelirazu


Entry ₡2,000

Camping ₡5,000 adults – ₡3,000 children

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We arrived at the farm around 9 am. The road to get there is gravel with some loose parts, even so our Suzuki Vitara arrived very well at the parking lot of the place.

When we arrived, Pablo came out to greet us with a freshly hot beverage made of sweet water in his wood stove. The farm is awesome, with well-cut lawns, picnic tables on ranches and plenty of space to enjoy the outdoors.

We got ready to walk along the path of the farm and started walking. The trail is super well marked with well done steps and everything in the shade. Something curious is that at first it has dolls hanging in a super spooky way because here in October they do a Halloween night walk (possibly we will attend this year).

During the walk we crossed a ravine a couple of times, which is really the source of the Reventazón River, we passed through beautiful forests and we had a great time. In fact we think this trail is perfect for beginners and kids who want to start hiking.

When we got back we ate something in the picnic area and then we left happy to have found this place.

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