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Finca Manglar - SIERPE

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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · Jun 1, 2017

A perfect farm to escape from the city and venture with local guides to learn more about the area of Sabalo de Sierpe, surrounded by one of the largest and best-preserved mangroves in America. And as always with waterfalls and hidden pools that always make everything better.

How to get there? From Puerto Jiménez, turn right at the entrance to Rincón and continue for approximately 20 minutes, then turn left towards Sábalo. Follow the signs of Sábalo Lodge, Manglar farm is 1.5 km before Sábalo Lodge.

Waze: Use Google Maps that do recognize the route. ** What to bring?** Comfortable clothes for walking, towel, bathing suit, shorts, change of clothes, trail tennis shoes, a waterproof jacket, repellent, snacks & beverages for the road and an excellent attitude.

Difficulty: Easy Vehicle: Automobile preferably high. Parking: Yes Pets: Yes Camping: Yes, they also offer a lodging service.

Contact: Finca Manglar The United States +1 6318334651 (WhatsApp)

Cost: Lodging: from $ 55 Boat tour: $ 70 per ride Cataract: $ 15 per person Lunch: $ 12 per person

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While in Osa, they mentioned this farm, and we had already heard how cool the base level of the Sierpe River is. So we grabbed our junk and headed to Sábalo.

The road was a nice, dirt road but in good condition, and you start to climb a mountain to get a very spectacular view that if you see carefully you can see the riverbed and the shore. Afterward, we continued a little more until we deviated towards Sábalo, there we were looking for the Christ that marks the entrance of Finca Manglar that was on the right.

As soon as we entered we were greeted by Don Luis and Don Evelio, they explained a little of the activities that could be done and they opened the doors of their house in case we needed to go to the bathroom or change. And they gave us a coconut, yummy.

We decided to go on the tour around the river. We went by car to the dock that is about 2 km from the farm and from there we went by boat. The river is full of life, we saw birds, turtles, and an alligator, we continued through the mangroves until we reached the sea where it gets rougher because of the waves. It is very cool to reach the mouth and see that moment where the sea meets the river.

On our way back we got in the car to drive to Los Chorros waterfall, we left the car in the curb and from there we went down a path. Starting to walk we saw a tayra that crossed the path quickly. You walk 30 minutes to get there, you cross a couple of streams to the waterfall. We did not know that this waterfall existed so there was no expectation of the place, but as always we had the best attitude. When we arrived the waterfall had 2 waterfalls, the first was the smallest and the pool was also small, but if you climbed the stone that was to the side with the help of a rope you would reach the second fall that has a delicious pool, deep and an infinity pool view. There you can jump everywhere, swim and relax for a while. In addition, it is surrounded by trees and makes it even nicer.

When the hunger began to hit us, we went back to the car to return to Finca Manglar, where we had a good lunch, made right there. It's one of those lunches that taste like heaven, rice, beans, salad, chicken, everything has a special flavor, cooked with love like they say; and so our bellies were full and our hearts were happy, we finished our walk by Sábalo, a town that we did not know but it is worth visiting.

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