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Finca La Alemana

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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · May 17, 2022

We went to Guapiles to see some beautiful waterfalls and pools in the jungle… this was at Finca La Alemana and it is a perfect place to relax and connect with nature.

How to get there?

Take route 32 towards Limón and just before crossing the Costa Rica River there is an entrance to the right, from here you go up until you reach the last light post, from here you continue one a bit more to the entrance of the farm that is located on the right hand side. The gate has 2 large columns and some biblical messages outside.


Distance: 5.5km

Difficulty: Moderate

Accessibility: Not accessible

What to bring?

Fresh clothes, swimsuit, towel, repellent, trail tennis shoes, snacks, beverages and an excellent attitude.

Vehicle: 4×4 especially in winter

Parking: Yes

Pets: Yes

Camping: Yes


506-6459-0220 Orbin

506 83871490 Emily

951 907-1024 Walter

[email protected]

Cost: ¢7000 national colones

¢15,000 foreigners


7am to 5pm


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We left San José at 7 am heading to Guápiles along Route 32, on the way we went to have breakfast at Fogón de Lola, which is after going down the hill on the left. Here after eating breakfast we decided to continue our tour.

The road is gravel and the higher it gets, the steeper… even so, our four-wheel drive had no problem reaching the farm. At the La Alemana farm we were received by the guy in charge and he was the one who took us to see this beautiful place.

To begin, we climbed only about 200 meters between shady gardens until we reached the old house of "La Alemana" who owned the farm until a few years ago. After this we entered the jungle and began to descend a lot until we reached some super well-made steps.

After finishing going down the steps, we arrived at a small viewpoint from where we managed to see the complete waterfall with another couple of falls upriver. By this time there was little left to finish reaching the lowest part of the La Alemana Waterfall.

The waterfall is of medium size, completely crystal clear and cold water... it also has a really nice pool and many dry stones in front of the waterfall perfect to sit down and have a picnic after the dip.

After enjoying the waterfall, we decided to venture to see a pool upriver… The trail is not yet completely ready, but it was enough for us to reach and document this other place. When we managed to get there we came across a much larger pool with a waterfall, here we jumped into the water and enjoyed a lot more until it was time to go back to look for a little lunch.

For the cherry on top, we went to eat rice & beans at a place called Vainilla Lodge located about 10 minutes up from where we were. This other place has a restaurant and 3 super cute cabins perfect for staying a full weekend away from the city.

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