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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · Mar 3, 2017

Imagine spending a weekend in a treehouse surrounded by waterfalls, pools, with incredible trails in a jungle. Well, we went flying to Finca Bellavista, where we had a blast since we arrived...

How to get there?

1 Take a half hour flight to Golfito where you can take a taxi to Finca Bellavista.

2 Take the Inter-American highway south about 4:30 hours until you reach Piedras Blancas.

With Wazefrom here you have to follow the street for 2km to the farm.

What to bring? Fresh clothes, swimsuit, towel, trail tennis shoes, sandals, repellent, sunscreen, snacks, a waterproof jacket, and an excellent attitude.

Distance: Viewpoint: 3.2km Waterfall: 1.5km Pool: 2.7km

Difficulty: Medium Vehicle: 4 × 4 Parking: Yes Pets: Yes Camping: No Contact: Finca Bellavista: [email protected] they do not have a phone they answer via email. Home Alex Taxi Golfito: 8826-0800 Cost: from $100 per night.

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It all started at 5:00 am at Juan Santamaría, where we would fly (literally) with a Nature Air plane and arrive at Golfito within 40 minutes. The flight was tremendous, It was nonstop mountains and then suddenly we saw the Pacific Ocean, where we continued along the coast until we saw the majestic Osa Peninsula. After this, we landed in the middle of the Golfito mountains ... we got off and we ran into Alex the taxi driver who would take us to Finca Bellavista.

From the airport to the Bellavista farm we spent about 45 minutes counting the technical stop at the supermarket, when we approached the farm the road became steeper with some loose stones, but nothing that a 4x4 can not overcome. When we arrived at the Finca Bellavista we were welcomed by super cool dining room with a wicked breakfast, we ate like kings while they finished prepping the room.

The managers explained how the farm works, which is really a community of self-sufficient houses and bungalows in the trees, joined by trails, all made out of wood, they use solar panels and the water comes from the same forest where they are built. The buildings blend with the surroundings and many go unnoticed in sight.

After leaving our stuff in the room, we got ready to go to the waterfall and the pool. The first thing we did was go to the waterfall, walk along the path for half an hour, it is well marked and easy to follow to the waterfall. When we arrived at the waterfall, we climbed until we reached the base. There were monstrous rocks, great to put your stuff at, and in the bottom part a nice pool to swim at.

After enjoying the waterfall, we followed the path to another pool for about 45 minutes ... the terrain is broken, and the humidity is quite high so we were soaked in sweat. We reached the other pool and without thinking twice we threw ourselves back into the water, which was super crystalline, we stayed there splashing around until we were hungry. The good thing is that in the dining room we had been given a bunch of toppers full of delicious food for everyone! So we got ourselves some rice with tuna, salad and we had something to drink, this left us full and ready to sleep a little while on the rocks, where we passed out.

When we woke up, there was nothing left to do but go back to our tree house, where we passed out again until dinner. The dinner again was delicious, what we needed to recharge batteries for Sunday, at 8 o'clock at night they turned off the light and we went to sleep.

The next day we had breakfast at 8 am, a pinto with eggs. Then we went to get ready to walk to the viewpoint. On the way we got to see some tree houses that were empty and were very lucky. To get to the viewpoint we only followed the main road until the trail ended, and there it was. At the viewpoint you could see some mountains that were not like "wow" ... but it is the perfect place for picnicking and seeing birds.

When we returned we arrived for lunch, so we ate and then went to the pools of the waterfall that are about half an hour away, to vegetate a bit and return to the room later to rest.

At the end of this trip, we realized that Finca Bellavista is more than a community of dreamy tree houses ... it is a sustainable lifestyle, where a balance between nature and construction is achieved in a natural exotic environment.

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