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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · Jul 6, 2018

We went to Providencia of Dota to check out El Pocerón, it’s a place that’s enjoyable from the road trip all the way to the destination, we met an incredible exemplary family, united generating a rural tourism project that rescues the best of the tico ways .... from our food to nature.

How to get there?

You have to go through the Cerro de la Muerte until you reach Los Quetzales National Park, turn right until you reach the center of Copey de Dota province.

Then you have to follow the path down for about 20 more minutes until you turn right to reach almost the end of the street where the waze link takes you.

Any questions call the contacts.


Vehicle:SUV Parking:Yes Pets:Yes Camping: No, but there is lodging Contact: Doña Noire: 8707-1102

Cost: Meal ¢ 3000 for each meal (Breakfast-lunch-dinner) Tour with Darío from ¢ 2000 to ¢ 10,000 (depending on what you want to do) Lodging ¢ 6000 per person

What to bring? Comfortable clothes for walking, trail tennis or hiking boots, swimsuit, waterproof jacket, towel, snacks, a bottle of water, dry clothes to change and an excellent attitude.

Distance: 500m Difficulty: Easy Accessibility: Not accessible

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We left after 6:00 am from San José to Providencia de Dota aboard the new Toyota Rush, on the way we made a stop at a mini super and then we continued to Cerro de la Muerte until we reached the entrance to Los Quetzales National Park where we had to turn right towards Providencia de Copey de Dota. The road is a descent of about 40 minutes with nice sights of the mountains, so it’s worthwhile to make stops to take pictures and enjoy the tour.

After driving downhill we reached the center of Providencia de Dota, this is the center of the town and obviously has a soccer plaza, grocery store, church, and its local bar ... we made a mini stop here, then we continued towards Mrs. Noire’s house where she was waiting for us with her family.

We arrived at their house which is about 20 minutes from the center and they welcomed us as if we were family, a big hug and they invited us to come and have a cup of coffee with delicious breakfast made with local ingredients from the farm.

Once stuffed, we planned our itinerary and we went with Darío (Mrs. Noire’s son) downstream to see a waterfall called El Salitre. Darío is basically the rock star of the place, only 15 years old and he already knows the area perfectly and all the species of bugs ... so much so that he told us that in the future he plans to study biology.

We arrived downstream, crossed a wooden bridge and started to climb a 300m long hill that left more than one gasping for air, but after this hill, the path became a little flat and it was easy to reach the waterfall. The Salitre waterfall is 80 meters and has 2 waterfalls surrounded by nice wooded mountains. It's a cool place to chill at, we ate a snack and we took pics. We stayed for half an hour and then returned to go to check out the famous Pocerón.

The Pocerón is very near to the street, and according to Darío is one of the most emblematic places of Providencia. To get there, you only have on the curb just before the bridge where there is a wooden sign that says Pocerón. From there it’s 50 m up until you reach the picnic area in front of the pool with waterfall.

The water is incredibly clear and the waterfall is not very high, but the pool is giant and swimming in it is mandatory. After screaming for minutes to survive the cold (which was really cold) we went out to dry up and vegetate while appreciating this fabulous place.

Then our stomachs started growling and we decided to drive back on our Toyota Rush to Doña Noire's house to have lunch and coffee before going back to San José, satisfied to have known this place with people so exemplary and passionate about nature.

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