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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · Jan 18, 2018

We went to see Eco Chontales, a paradisiacal waterfall surrounded by jungle, hidden between Dominical and Pérez Zeledón, which by the way is a paradise of waterfalls and rivers of crystal clear water.

How to get there? You have to go towards Perez Zeledon from the South Interamericana highway and turn right after the gas station on the right to go in the direction of Dominical for 45 minutes into you reach the intersection in Torito de Barú where we turn right and drive for half an hour following the signs of Eco Chontales until you reach the house where they receive you.

WAZE: Distance: 1.2km Difficulty: Moderate Accessibility: Accessible with help (can be on horseback)

What to bring? swimsuit, trail tennis shoes, towel, sunscreen, insect repellent, change of clothes, a bottle of water, picnic snacks and an excellent attitude.

Vehicle: 4x4 vehicle Parking: Yes Pets: No Camping: Yes, with reservation. Contact: 8334-2422 / 8540-1934 Cost: Nationals ₡3.500 children from 3 to 9 years old ¢2.000 Foreigners ¢4.500 children from 3 to 9 years old ¢3.000

Schedule: Monday to Sunday 8am - 4pm

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We left super early from Tavo’s house to Pérez Zeledón, we stopped for delicious breakfast at the legendary Chespiritos, after a satisfying breakfast we continued our journey until arriving at Eco Chontales a little after 10 am.

The day was slightly cloudy and sometimes an annoying drizzle fell, even so, we got out and prepared for the walk. At the top there is a small house where you are greeted by a large family, they are the owners of the farm and they are also the guides that lead you to the walk downhill. They charged us the entrance and explained the necessary details ... which is to follow the path of 600 meters to the waterfall. The descend is not so technical, there is no way to get lost and in the steep parts, there are some steps with rims that help you avoid any accident. About 10 minutes of going downhill there is a curve to the left, you can hear the sound of the waterfall here, it starts getting stronger until suddenly Boom! a viewpoint with an epic waterfall of Eco Chontales comes into sight... The moment this happens, you get sprayed with a waterfall mist that refreshes you and rewards those who have reached this point, we obviously took the opportunity to take photos and awesome videos.

After the viewpoint, we went down to the base of the waterfall to splash around and enjoy this incredible spot. The water is cold but normal ... you won’t freeze to death so you can relax for a while, swim and appreciate the waterfall that is about 60 meters high. The photos below were complicated to take due to the dew that generates but they were necessary so we take a photo here, photo over there, photo for Insta.

We were down here for about an hour and then we went to the dining room (about 50 meters away) next to the river since we had asked for a small lunch ... it was great. We stayed a little to digest our good and then walked to see other waterfalls nearby, awesome, and a canyon that forms at the bottom, where there are also some delicious pools to get into. After this, we went back to change and head back to San Jose.

Bonus If you want to sleepover in the area there is very close Rana Roja a super recommended place that also has rivers and a waterfall.

DATE OF WALK: January 2018

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