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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · Apr 21, 2023

We went to conquer La Alegría de Siquirres, and together with a local follower of Qué Buen Lugar, we discovered some waterfalls in the jungle that were really amazing ... crystal clear water, 2 waterfalls, a good pool, and the best part is that it is hidden.

How to get there?

Take route 32 towards Limón, when you get to Siquirres you turn right towards La Alegría de Siquirres for half an hour until you reach the detour that leads to the Pearl River.


Vehicle: Automobile Parking: On the curb Distance: 3km Difficulty: Moderate

What to bring?

Light and comfortable clothes, swimsuit, towel, repellent, drybag, water, food to share and an excellent attitude.

Pets: Yes Camping: No Contact: Franco 8723-6191 Cost: ¢ 4000 (includes snack) ¢ 9000 with lunch included

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We left early for Siquirres, before arriving at the center of the village of La Alegría we ran into a follower of our page and also a local guide of the area. The guide named Franco was in charge of taking us to a river with a waterfall without a name ... just like we like them.

After Franco hopped in, a super cool guy, we drove 15 minutes until we reached the bridge that passes over the Pearl River, here we parked the car to prepare our packs for the walk.

We began to walk along the path upstream, it did not last before the trail vanished since it’s really up to each person to choose the best way to get to the waterfall. The river is protected by an incredible tropical forest, humidity is felt in the air and the beauty of totally clean water is hard to ignore.

The road is slightly technical because the stones are super slippery but it is not so hard, the distance passes quickly and the springs on the sides are dreamy. We had to stop several times to take pictures with the hope of going to splash around in one of them. Between so much distraction on the road we did not notice the unexpected waterfall only 200 meters away, we were stoked and decided to go check it out.

The waterfall that actually divides into 2 waterfalls (not very cold) on a giant stone, it’s awesome. The flow is not very strong, and the pool is delicious. To one side of the main waterfall, there is a smaller one that comes from another ravine ... it is beautiful and it is worthy to take some time to explore all the corners as it is full of surprises.

After taking videos and photos we decided to have the picnic with Lorenzo's that we bought, which were yummy. We picked up our things and headed back down the river to the car since we noticed rain was coming and we wanted to be safe. It is important to always be attentive to the water level, it's color and also to look at the clouds in case of any signs of a Waterhead ... especially since we’re in the rainy season.

When we returned to the car we changed and we came back to San Jose, it is really amazing to find rivers so clean and amazing nowadays ... and it is up to us to protect them so that others can enjoy them for more years to come.

DATE OF THE WALK - April 2016

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