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Catarata Las Trillizas

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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · Jun 23, 2017

Behind Don Alfonso's dairy store, crossing a pasture and going down a mountain, you will find three waterfalls and a nice spring between bushes and stones.

How to get there? On the way to the Guayabo National Park, you pass through several towns including Pacayas until you reach an intersection in Santa Cruz of Turrialba. Here you continue to Guayabo and then you access the property on the way between farms. With Waze If you do not have 4 × 4 it is best to enter through San Antonio de Santa Cruz of Turrialba. Type San Antonio in Waze first and from there enter the waze that we provide. And it is where you see Parqueo Catarata La Muralla.

What to bring? Comfortable clothes, trail tennis shoes, sun block, hat, sunglasses, insect repellent, swimsuit, towel and an adventurous attitude.

Distance: 2km total

Difficulty: Moderate It is short but the slope is pronounced and the road is narrow.

Vehicle: High carriage preferably. But automobiles by San Antonio de Turrialba.

Parking: Yes

Pets: Yes

Camping: No

Contact: Don Alfonso 8798-3046

Cost: ¢ 2000

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Since we went to the La Muralla waterfall also in Turrialba, they told us that there were very close to these three other waterfalls known as Las Trillizas (Triplets). It took us a while to find the information until we found the contact and left. We got to where the cars are now parked to go to La Muralla and from there we went to ask for Don Alfonso, who was busy at his dairy store but he told us to give him a little time to finish and he guided us. We waited about 10 minutes and we went with him, his daughter and another boy. Basically you cross the store, from there you get to pastures and then you also cross the paddock and you start to go down the mountain until you reach the river. Don Alfonso told us that he wanted to improve the path because it was not very well marked; and he recently called us to tell us he had improved it indeed. .

Once you get to the river you walk upstream as if to the left, there is a large waterfall with a smaller one next to it, these have a delicious pool with a cold temperature but very refreshing. From there you can walk on the border where there is another waterfall much higher and with a stronger stream but the spring is not so deep. In fact you can’t get in but it’s nice for pics.

We first went to the 2 waterfalls, we left the stuff there and we went down the river to the other big one, and then we went back to the water and ate something. All three are awesome. Once we saw the big one and took pictures and videos we went back to splashing for a while in the spring, the water is crystal clear butttt .. it was cold so we got out quickly and made our classic picnic. As the weather was nice we stayed there for awhile in the stones playing around until we decided to return to go to lunch.

This area of ​​Santa Cruz of Turrialba is amazing, it has these waterfalls, the views are beautiful and the road is the best.

DATE OF THE WALK - March 2017

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