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El Indio Waterfall

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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · Nov 19, 2021

We went to one of the highest and most beautiful waterfalls in the country, the El Indio Waterfall located in Puriscal and it is a cool place to take a walk.

How to get there?

Head towards Puriscal and then continue towards Parrita until you pass the entrance to La Cangreja National Park. Then you have to turn left towards Mastatal for 20 more minutes until you reach Finca Siempre Verde.

Waze: Always Green Farm:

Distance: 7 km Total

Difficulty: Moderate

Accessibility: Not accessible

What to bring?

Light clothing, swimsuit, trail tennis shoes or rubber boots, hat, sunscreen, repellent, towel, a couple of bottles of water and an excellent attitude.

Vehicle: High or 4×4

Parking: Yes

Pets: Yes (with mountain experience)

Camping: Yes

Contact: Tour: Finca Siempre Verde

Marco Garcia: 8404 8770 and Jennifer Mora: 8930 4738

Cost: ¢12,000 tour with certified guide and lunch

Lodging ¢10,000 person per night

¢3000 per meal

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We arrived after 8 am at Finca Siempre Verde in Mastatal de Puris, Jennifer, a guide from the area, received us here to explain a little about the ride we had planned. They are a tour operator that does many hikes in that area, which by the way are cool places. Then we got in the car to drive 10 more minutes to the trailhead, which is on a separate farm. In San Miguel de Puriscal to be exact.

To arrive better It's best to go with a 4×4 or tall car, our car is lofty and without a 4×4 but we got there fine. From where we left the car we began to walk along a gravel road between paddocks that little by little turned into mud. Luckily it hadn't rained for a couple of days, so it was half dry... I can't imagine that muddy area after a rainfall.

After 1.5 km you reach the Río Turbio, this is the same as the El Indio waterfall and it is protected by trees and some more paddocks. We walked another kilometer and a half until we reached the top of the waterfall… It was like reaching an abyss.

There is a mirror of water that disappears forming a waterfall with a drop of more than 200m. We take the opportunity to take the first break on the stones, while taking cool photos and videos.

After this stop, our guide Jennifer took us to the middle of the waterfall, for this we went down a very well made path about 300m more and here we took our second break.

In addition to resting, we took the opportunity to get into the water, curiously you can walk from side to side with tennis shoes and the stones are not so slippery. From this point in the middle of the waterfall it is possible to appreciate the dimension of the waterfall, in addition, the wind with splash is refreshing. The fall is awesome because well above the stones but then it has a cut where the water falls and at this time when the flow drops, you can get under it without any problem and shower in nature. This is an important detail in this area, in summer the flow drops so the waterfall begins to run out of water.

After eating one last snack, we decided to go back the same way we arrived, in total we took a little more than 1 hour... but it is worth every step to reach this waterfall.

  • DATE OF HIKE: November 2021
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