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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · Jun 17, 2016

This area of Guápiles is a mine full of incredibly cool waterfalls that you have to check out. Once again, thanks to the grand Don Hugo, we arrived at this waterfall that we had wanted to visit for a while but had not gotten around to do so. A famous saying here is "persevere and conquer" and it applies since after several attempts we finally managed to get to Chindama but all the time waited was worth it.

Vehicle: Every vehicle arrives, but preferably high, because there is a gravel road.

What to bring? Comfortable clothes for walking, comfortable shoes that you can get wet, bathing suit and shorts, sunscreen, a hat, lots of beverages for hydration, good snacks, a jacket.

Distance: 10 km in total (5 km one way and 5 km back) Difficulty: High, quite broken, slippery and technical terrain (you have to cross rivers). Time: 7 hours approx. Parking: Yes Contact: Hugo Durán cel: 8405-9220 Cost: ¢ 6000 per person Camping ¢ 2000 X person camping night. ¢ 5000 X person in the room of the house.

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We left early from San Jose because Don Hugo had warned us that the walk was long, it lasted about 3 hours to get to the waterfall and that the rains had already started so it was ideal to try to return before two in the afternoon. We met at his house and from there went to the property of some friends of his where he could leave the car and was a little closer to where the walk started. There we met with two more guys plus Jaime, a friend of his and two other gringos, who have visited lots of waterfalls in Costa Rica and had also heard of Chindama and wanted to see it.

The walk was pretty extreme, we started going through a very wild forest until we found the first "wall" yes, it was a slope of mud that had to be climbed because there was a metal cable to grab and help climb it, but nothing challenging. After a while of going among the trees and listening to the river in the distance, the Mercedes River appeared, and It was the most beautiful thing, with crystal clear water and the perfect temperature to refresh the humidity of Guápiles. This river has to be crossed several times, so you have to be willing to get wet, probably slip too because the stones that are near the river are like a slide, so you have to be careful and take it easy when passing the stones.

After enjoying the forest and the river we arrived at the most anticipated part, where we saw the waterfall in the distance and here Don Hugo gave us a heads up, he told us that this was one of the most beautiful waterfalls of Guapiles and that it was a place of fantasy. This place has many different stories and getting to the waterfall was like entering a magical door that was going to make us dream, obviously with this chat our expectations grew even higher. After 15 more minutes, we arrived at this majestic waterfall, the famous Chindama and Don Hugo were right, the place is impressive, a giant waterfall, surrounded by stones and much green around and the waterfalls with an impressive force that scares a little. As soon as we got here we started with the typical photo session, the selfies, the video pal and as always Tavo along with Jorge (one of the special guests) jumped into the water. The others were too cold so they stayed out of the water and wandered around. The water was delicious I heard. To finish our beloved trip we had some snacks to give us a boost for the 3-hour walk back. So with our bellies full and our hearts happy, we started the return that was another adventure, thankfully it did not rain. We got to stumble upon a super neat toucan and after walking a few hours we arrived safely. Once again this area of Guápiles left us with awed and eager to continue discovering these places.

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