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Catamarán Golfo Dulce

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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · Aug 20, 2021

We went sailing with whales for 2 days in the one and only Golfo Dulce! Definitely an unforgettable experience that everyone should live atleast once.

How to get there?

There are two ways to get there: 1) A local flight from Sansa lasts 1 hour. 2) Take the Costanera Sur until you reach Piedras Blancas, from here go towards Golfito until you reach the Marina de Golfito.


Marina Bahía Golfito

Distance: 0km

Difficulty: easy

Accessibility: Not accessible

What to bring? Fresh lightweight clothes, sun protection, hat, cap, sandals, sunglasses, bathing suit and an excellent attitude.

Vehicle: Automobile

Parking: Yes

Pets: No

Camping: No



Golfito Amaka Lodge: 4080-6090

Kabuki Sailing: 8990-5492

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We left at 6am from the Juan Santamaría airport and arrived an hour later at Golfito, the flight is something impressive due to the view of the mountains, the coast and especially the Sierpe canals...

When we landed between the mountains of Golfito we walked towards the exit and right away a taxi to Marina Bahía Golfito since here is the Amaka lodge where we were  spending the night. The marina is super new and is too cool, it has a boardwalk from where you can see the entire bay, it also has a restaurant on one side and a bar on the other.

Around noon they gave us the room... and wow! The decoration was impeccable, not a single detail was neglected. So much so that we even slept for a bit before having lunch. In the afternoon we rented boards to do SUP in the bay and in the evening we had dinner at Paka Paka with Javier, the captain of the Kabuki catamaran.

The next day after breakfast we went to the market to buy some things that we needed for our expedition in the Golfo Dulce. The Kabuki is too cute, it is a medium-sized catamaran-sailboat, it has capacity to carry 6 people, the rooms are for 2 people and have a full bathroom.

Around 10 in the morning we set sail on a sunny day. Something incredible about the Golfo Dulce is that there are no waves and high expectations of seeing whales… So much so that at 11 am we were already seeing our first whale of the day.

During the day we saw several whales with their calves, this is something that really excited us and took our breath away. Then for lunch the captain of the Kabuki surprised us with delicious sushi rolls and in the afternoon we parked in front of some perfect islands to rest. Here we jumped into the water to float, snorkel and finish our trip with a perfect sunset.

We woke up with semi-cloudy weather and took the opportunity to jump into the water to listen to the songs of the whales… You can't imagine how perfect it was to listen to whales, it really sounds perfect and it's hard to get out of the water.

After a whole day of sailing, we tried fishing several times and failed… so we decided to return to the Marina Bahía Golfito to sleep there and have dinner at the restaurant.

To finish the next day we flew to San José in Sansa... arrived at 8am and saved ourselves 6 hours of driving.

  • BONUS *

In the Marina Bahía Golfito they have a very cool tour to a Wildlife Refuge in Golfito. Where you walk along a path embedded in a super cool forest with a waterfall and a river perfect to walk for a couple of hours.

  • DATE OF HIKE: August 2021
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