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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · Aug 11, 2018

Thanks to BLUE card of American Express we went to Turrialba to meet our fourth challenge of the Blue Route, live an adventure in the canyons of the rivers of Sitio Mata with 4 winners of the raffle, a super exciting experience that everyone should definitely to experiment.

How to get there?

Turrialba center is reached from the Pure Canyoning office, from there it is 20 minutes until you reach Sitio Mata.

Waze: Distance:5km Difficulty: Moderate Accessibility: Not accessible

What to bring?

Quick-drying clothes, waterproof jacket, hiking shoes for muddy trails, repellent, swimsuit, drybags, and an excellent attitude.

Vehicle: Automobile Parking: Yes Pets: No Camping: No Contact: Enrique: 8636 6211 Office: 2556 0901 Cost: Varies according to the Tour.

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We started the adventure with an epic mega delicious pint in a local house of Sitio Mata, and along with the Pure Canyoning staff we went to do some canyoning. After prepping our stuff we did some hiking, the road to reach the top was super cool with tremendous views of the reservoir of the Reventazón River. After 20 minutes we reached the highest part of the mountain where the river canyon begins, passing through a green and dense forest.

We reached the top of the first waterfall that is divided into 2 waterfalls, they explained to us very professionally the technique to get down, we did a quick practice each and then we went down one by one.

Canyoning is very safe if you have the right equipment and guides, the experience of going down the falls is the most exciting and mixes a bit of hiking with rappel. Although you get soaked it is good to have a waterproof jacket, since this helps to keep the heat between each descent. You fall along with a total of 6 waterfalls and they are all awesome. It is an activity full of adrenaline and accessible to all types of people. In the end, we enjoyed it plenty and we all came out safe and sound.

After 2 hours of climbing down waterfalls, we reached the street and walked to get to another river where we ended up with a couple of nice waterfalls in the middle of the forest. Finally, we went up a prairie until we got to the little house where we got ready, were spoiled with delicious food and got ready to return to San José.

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