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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · Dec 7, 2018

We went to see the Braulio Carrillo National Park, Quebrada González Sector, one of the largest and easiest National Parks to get to, with trails consumed in an eternally green jungle with flora and fauna to die for.

How to get there? Take route 32 to Guapiles, then drive for 1 hour to the entrance of the park on the right.

Waze: Distance:3 km Difficulty:Easy Accessibility:Not accessible

What to bring? Comfortable clothes for walking, trail tennis shoes, waterproof jacket, insect repellent, change of clothes and an excellent attitude.

Vehicle:Automobile Parking:Yes Pets:No Camping:No Contact:Quebrada González Sector, Zurquí Office: 2206-5577 / 2206-5500 Cost:¢ 1000 per person

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We left early from Karla's house to get on Route 32 and arrive at Braulio Carrillo National Park in the Quebrada González Sector. On the way, it kept on raining and when we got there we had to wait for a minute under the roof until it cleared up so we could walk.

The first trail was called Las Palmar that we did was the one that starts at the parking lot and makes a half-circle until you get back to the parking lot. Then we began to walk calmly, like any tropical rainforest there are many bugs and plants to observe. The trail is very clear so there is no way to get lost, we recommend that you bring a camera-ready, we even bumped into a snake on the path. The walk is super nice to connect with nature and it’s not at all complicated.

When we returned to the parking lot we decided to do the path that is on the other side of the main road. This other path called El Ceibo did not have so many steps and during the walk, you pass a viewpoint facing the Rio Sucio. During the walk, we didn’t see so many bugs and it was beginning to rain again so we walked a little faster, but we still came across the giant and imposing trees that decorate the path.

After doing both trails, we returned to the entrance of the national park to change and go to find a place to eat something.

Date of the trip:September 2018

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