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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · Aug 28, 2015

If there is something neat that our country can teach us, it’s that you do not have to drive hundreds of kilometers to visit a special place, where we can enjoy your time and have fun with just a few bucks. During this trip we had a visit down memory lane, It took us back to our childhood with outdoor games that are almost forgotten between so much everyday work, stress and social media.

How to get there? Head towards Bebedero of Escazú.

Cost: FREE Pets: It is a perfect meadow to take the dogs. Vehicle: 4 × 4

What to bring? A picnic blanket, snacks, kite, camera, cards, hat, windbreaker, sunglasses, sunscreen.

Food? Snacks for the road and beverages.

Time: As long as you want. Difficulty: Moderate Parking: On the street.

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Today we had commitments at lunchtime, so instead of making that an excuse to not go for a walk, we decided to make a plan that would adapt to our schedule, in order to demonstrate that every plan depends on the attitude you have. That's how we decided to go to the windmill. This is a hill/pasture that can be seen from all of the central valleys, it is in the mountains of Escazú, and it is known for its countless trees. To get there, we went along route 27, and then we turned towards Escazú, where we went to the supermarket to buy brunch and snacks. We started to climb a lot, then the asphalt road ends, where it is necessary to use a 4 × 4 car as there are parts with loose rocks and huge holes in the middle of the road. Then the road passes between trees and paddocks until you reach the highest part where you can park the car to go to the meadow that can be seen from San José.

Once we got off the car, we crossed the fence with all the supplies for our Sunday get together, then got off and then went up a giant hill of grass until we got to witness the best view of the central valley (and I'm not kidding). Once there we played with kites, slid down with cardboards, ate dirt, saw horses and cows with an incredible sight surrounded us. From here you can easily see the whole central volcanic mountain range, a little bit of Cartago, San Jose, Heredia, and Alajuela.

This place on its own is wonderful, but I think it is essential to bring things to play with, proper clothing, as well as a tablecloth and picnic that will make you enjoy this place even more.

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