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Territorio de Zaguates

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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · Jul 9, 2016

Este lugar más que un paraíso de zaguates es un espacio donde cientos de perros esperan encontrar un hogar digno para así entregar todo su amor. Así que no lo piense más y vaya a caminar con la manada de perros más linda del mundo.

How to get there?

Vehicle: Automobile.

What to bring? Comfortable and strong clothes (such as jeans, a T-shirt), tennis, sunscreen. Parking: Yes Pets: Yes

Dog walk information

There are no defined dates since it depends on the number of volunteers. It’s recommendable to be on the lookout on their Facebook page called Zulu Territory Territorio de Zaguates


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Our trip began on a Saturday at 9:00 am in Barva de Heredia, this is a giant property, guarded by a herd of happy dogs, called Territorio de Zagüates.

We were welcomed by the volunteer caregivers, who guided us to the parking lot above. Here we prepared for the coolest stamped I've seen in a long time. From the refugee center, there is a path that goes up the mountain, on the way the herd always stays together, but it has a few super energetic dogs that always want to lead the way.

The first part goes next to a fence of trees until you reach a small forest where you cross a river. Here, the dogs are pretty much going crazy in the water until the caretakers call them by their names to continue the ride. The names of the dogs are very funny, and all have a story behind it, which makes the way very entertaining and full of incredible anecdotes, some kinda sad and others full of hope for the four-legged furry friends.

Then you go up a huge hill on the meadow to get to the second stop, where people and dogs take a break with a super nice view of the central valley. In this place, the caretakers do quite the funny show when they run out across the field and most of the dogs run after them. Afterward, we make the effort to walk a little more upwards and thus arrive at another viewpoint where we again pause and enjoy with all the strays to begin to descend again towards the refugee center.

This is a very special place with very neat energy. The idea is not only to have a good time with the hairy ones but to take one of them home. They are ready to give unconditional love to any family. It is easy to see why people adopt during each visit because they are friendly and easy to love.

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