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San Fernando Waterfall

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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · Dec 11, 2020

We went to visit the most beautiful waterfall in Cinchona, it's the San Fernando Waterfall located at the bottom of the abyss that can be seen from the street that goes down from the La Paz Waterfall and it was a great adventure.

How to get there?

Go towards La Paz waterfall passing through Vara Blanca, and continue descending until you reach the gate of the farm located on the right hand side.


Distance: 7km

Difficulty: Difficult and technical

Accessibility: Not accessible

What to bring? Lightweight clothes, trail tennis shoes or boots, waterproof jacket, repellent, sunscreen, swimsuit, towel, hydration, snacks and an excellent attitude.

Vehicle: Automobile

Parking: Yes

Pets: Yes

Camping: No

Contact: Guillermo: 8679-3482

Cost: ¢ 5000

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We arrived after 8 am at the entrance of the farm where the car is left, this is after the La Paz Waterfall in Cinchona. After parking, Don Guillermo met us and explained the path that leads to the waterfall.

To have an idea on where this is located, this waterfall is the one that is seen at the bottom of the abyss from the street when one goes down towards Sarapiquí, as I understand it can be accessed by other 2 farms in addition to the one we used. The instructions were clear, basically to enter the path that says Catarata San Fernando: go down always taking the path to the right and on the return you take the same path.

The tour begins with a small forest with a couple of water springs and parts that are half slippery where you had to bend down to pass until you reach a very cool viewpoint where you can see the waterfall from a very good angle so we took our time to take photos and fly the drone.

Then we continued going down the edge of the mountain and the more technical parts began with an almost vertical slope. It got to a point where we had to use the ropes that are placed exactly where they are needed. The thing is that to descend these parts the key is to hold the rope well and have the body in a perpendicular position to the descent, taking small steps.

After climbing down we reached the lowest part where we only have to walk towards the waterfall that looks monstrous in the distance. I stayed up in a good spot to take good photos in the distance while the rest went towards the waterfall. The thing about this waterfall is that it is so big that it generates a drizzle and drizzle that gets absolutely everything wet, so near the waterfall you end up completely soaked.

The waterfall is gigantic, I cannot tell you the height of the waterfall but it is undoubtedly one of the highest in the country. One fact is that it does not have a safe pool, but if you want, you can enjoy going into the river like our friend Jorge did.

Down here we ate snacks and after a while we went back to the car ... when it is so technical the climb is ALWAYS the easier part and in a short time you will realize that you have already passed even the worst slopes.

  • WALK DATE: November 2020
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