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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · May 20, 2016

The South Caribbean is wild, exotic and has nothing to envy the tourist islands of the Caribbean, so we decided to go for a taste of this side of Costa Rica, which left us hooked and wanting to return for more.

How to get there?

Chiquita beach with Waze Punta Uva with Waze Manzanillo Beach with Waze

Vehicle:Automobile Parking:On the street Cost:Free Camping area: No Pets: Yes

Contacts: Soda Johanna - Playa Cocles: 2750-3126 De Gustibus Bakery - Puerto Viejo Beach: 2756-8397

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What to bring? Beachwear, bathing suits, towel, a lot of bug repellent, sunblock, cooler and easy-to-cook food outdoors.

We headed to Limon early Saturday morning since it was a long weekend we had a clear goal set, to visit at least 3 chic little beaches and have a good plate of rice & beans.

We arrived at Punta Uva around 11 am, we left the things where we would spend the night and then went to look for lunch. We found a small place that is on Playa Cocles. The portions were nice and it was well kept plus they accepted credit cards.

Chiquita Beach Then to digest the food we went to Playa Chiquita, this is between Cocles and Punta Uva. It is a super nice beach, with white sand and almond trees that fall on the sea. It is perfect to spend the day, almost no people arrive compared to other beaches. We hung the hammocks here and threw the towels in the sand to take a nap. When we woke up from the siesta the tide was high and the sea was rough, you must be careful because this beach seems like a pool only when it is low tide. Still, it was cool. Then we took out the fun kit from Tavo and played racquetball until the sun fell on the mountains. At night, we were really tired and we fell dead asleep.

Punta Uva The next day we went to the Punta Uva beach club, this has several entrances but it could be separated on the north side (entering through the Selvins restaurant), and the south that is about 500 meters away towards Manzanillo. We were playing on the beach on the south side during the morning while we were snacking, and then I bought some pizzas at the old port at "De Gustibus Bakery", a luxury bakery that I recommend in a second. After lunch we went to the other side of Punta Uva, heading towards Selvins restaurant, here we parked and went walking towards the tip. If there is something particular and obligatory in this place, it is the hike to the tip, because there is a very cool path that goes into the forests until you reach a part where there is a cave that goes through the tip. This is the place to go, and it is really worth the 15-minute walk, plus you can see both sides of this beach.

Then we went back to chill in the sand closer to the car, we had some sodas with more snacks and then closed the day playing again.

Manzanillo Beach The next day we went to Manzanillo, we left the car as close to the end of the beach as possible to do the classic walk to Punta Mona. This trail is amazing, easy to walk, under the shade of the Caribbean trees and it is also short. This path reaches the viewpoint of Punta Mona, this place is great to take photos and appreciate the beauty of the southern Caribbean. In this beach of Manzanillo, one can stay on the shore, but it is the legitimate beach to see and not to touch since it is pure razor-sharp stone. After being here, taking pro pics we returned to the beach closer to the cars. Here we sat for a couple of hours and then went to lunch at the famous Maxxis restaurant where we ate yummy to get gain the strength to go back to San José.


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